On 8/16/05, Helena Mitasova <hmitaso@unity.ncsu.edu> wrote:
Radim Blazek wrote:
> Please read my previous mails about that, IT IS implemented,
> and IT DOES NOT call free() by default because it is faster
> and IT CAN free the memory if it is necessary. I wrote that 2-3
> times already.
I meant at the module level, as a user how can I tell v.in.ascii or
v.build or any other module that builds topology to free the memory
when needed? From your emails it seemed to me
that this option needs to be added to the relevant modules, but I might
have misunderstood it,
Spatial index occupies a lot of memory but it is necessary for
topology building. Also, it takes long time to release the memory
occupied by spatial index (dig_spidx_free) .
The function building topology (Vect_build) is usually called
at the end of module (before Vect_close) so it is faster to call
exit() and operating system releases all the memory much faster.
By default the memory is not released.
It is possible to call Vect_set_release_support() before Vect_close()
to force to release the memory, but it takes long time on large files.
Currently most of the modules do not release spatial index and work
like this:
//writing new vector
Vect_close() // memory is not released
you can add Vect_set_release_support():
// writing new vector
Vect_close() // memory is released
but it only takes longer time.
It make sense to release spatial index if it is used only at the beginning
of a module or in permanently running programs like QGIS.
For example:
// select features using spatial index, e.g. Vect_select_lines_by_box()
Vect_close() // memory is released
// do some processing which needs memory