GSoC 2024 - Community Bonding Period Report

Hello everybody,

I am writing this email to provide an update on the work I have completed
during the Community Bonding Period, which spanned from May 1th to May 26.

The following tasks have been accomplished:

  1. Introduced myself

  2. Created my OSGeo User Profile: I have set up my OSGeo User Profile[1]
    to establish my presence within the community and provide a platform for
    project updates and contributions.

  3. Wiki and Repository Setup: I have added relevant links to my project’s
    wiki pages and public repository on the accepted student’s wiki page[2].

  4. Familiarized with Documentation: To make sure I fully understood the
    GSoC program requirements, I carefully read and studied the guide provided
    by Google for GSoC students and the specific instructions given by OSGeo.

  5. Project Setup: I created a local copy of the GitHub repository, which
    will be my working space. I downloaded all the necessary components and
    installed the required software packages for the project [3].

What did I plan to do the next week?
Communicate with my mentors and teammates to discuss the project plan and
divide tasks. I will also be working on the project setup and start coding.

Am I blocked on anything?
I have been able to complete all the tasks. I have also been able to
communicate with my mentors and teammates without any issues.

Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,
Filippo Finke

  1. User:Filippofinke - OSGeo ↩︎

  2. Google Summer of Code 2024 Accepted - OSGeo ↩︎

  3. GitHub - istSOS/istsos-miu: istsos-miu ↩︎