GSoC - 2024 Introduction: Hamed Ashraf

Hello everyone,

My name is Hamed Ashraf. I am a second-year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, in Egypt.

I am profoundly grateful to the OSGeo and GRASS GIS communities, as well as the GSoC administrators, for offering me the opportunity to participate as a contributor in GSoC 2024. I am thrilled to be part of the effort put into GRASS GIS, where I will be working on adding EODAG support for downloading datasets in a unified manner.

So far, I have completed the following during the community bonding period, including this email:

  1. Created my OSGeo profile [1].
  2. Added link to my wiki page and my pubic repository, on the accepted student’s wiki page [2].
  3. Read Google’s GSoC student guide and OSGeo’s specific instructions.

I am looking forward to contributing to GRASS GIS and being part of the OSGeo and GRASS communities.

For reference, you can find my GitHub profile [3], and my LinkedIn profile [4].

Thank you!

Best regards,
Hamed A. Elgizery

[1] User:Hamed5001: User:Hamed5001 - OSGeo
[2] Google Summer of Code 2024 Accepted - OSGeo:
[3] GitHub: HamedElgizery (Hamed Elgizery) · GitHub
[4] LinkedIn: