What I got done this week?
- Attended meeting on May 20th 2024
- Finished Wiki setup
- Went through boost::brandes_betweenness_centrality() and Boost Graph Library documentation.
- Went through OSGeo pgRouting training videos
- Setup the development environment
What I Plan on doing next week?
- Prepare basic framework for the C, C++, SQL code
- start designing pgr_betweennessCentrality() (name to be finalized soon)
Am I Blocked on anything?
- The job that I have right now has me working 12 hour shifts (can be night shifts later on) on a 20 days on and 10 days off split. So the hours that I put in might not be enough right now as I am getting used to the work culture and schedule. I will restructure the deliverables such that I do most of the work during those 10 days off and hit the mid term evaluation goals on time. I will keep the mentors posted on any updates I have which may affect my work with feasible alternatives for both the mentors and I. The work will not be compromised upon and all the deliverables will be completed on time.