GSOC 2024: Week 0 Report: ZOO-Project: Advancing the ZOO-Project testing capabilities

What objectives were set out at the beginning of the community bonding period?

  • To review the proposal and understanding the code base in depth.
  • Request writing access to the OSGeo wiki for editing all my project-related information.
  • Created OSGeo wiki user page and forked ZOO-project repository to GitHub.
  • Added the links to the wiki page and the public repository in the OSGeo Accepted Students’ wiki page.
  • Study GSoC students guide and the OSGeo recommendations for students.

What work was completed during the said period?

  • Reviewed the proposal
  • Created OSGeo wiki user page[1] and forked ZOO-project repository to GitHub[3].
  • Added the links to the wiki page and the public repository in the OSGeo Accepted Students’ wiki page[2].
  • Studied the GSoC students guide and the OSGeo recommendations for students.
  • Setup ZOO-Project on a local machine.
  • Break down the testing process into manageable tasks and set achievable milestones.
  • Thoroughly understood the ZOO-Project codebase.

What do I plan to do the next week?

  • Basic Skeleton for Documentation and Tests
  • Review and update documentation and tests to reflect any changes or new features.

Am I blocked on anything?

No, currently I am not blocked on anything.



[2]Google Summer of Code 2024 Accepted - OSGeo
