GSOC 2024: Week - -1 Report: pgRouting: Implementing Brandes Betweenness Centrality

  • What I got done this week?

    • Finished up cleaning up the Wiki template and started filling in the relevant fields.
    • Finished filling up the OSGeos wiki for OSGeo-GSoC 2024.
  • What I Plan on doing next week?

    • Finish up and streamline the wiki and weekly reports.
    • Go through and study BGL documentation for brandes betweenness centrality and run samples.
    • Go through pgRouting docs and the entire study material videos provided during the applications period. (Link to Training Videos)
    • Start planning how to implement pgr_brandesBetweennessCentrality() and the work for the coding period starting from next week
    • Create my own branch (from develop/upstream)
    • Plan out how to structure my weeks and daily routine to meet the Mid-Term Evaluation deliverables
    • Future mails will always be on Sundays at UTC 18:00
  • Am I Blocked on anything?

    • The job that I have right now has me working 12 hour shifts (can be night shifts later on) on a 20 days on and 10 days off split. So the hours that I put in might not be enough right now as I am getting used to the work culture and schedule. I will restructure the deliverables such that I do most of the work during those 10 days off and hit the mid term evaluation goals on time. I will keep the mentors posted on any updates I have which may affect my work with feasible alternatives for both the mentors and I. The work will not be compromised upon and all the deliverables will be completed on time.
  • Meetings attended this week:

    • May 13th 2024: Introductory meeting and briefing upon basic tasks to do after missing the first meeting on May 6th (missed by me)

Hello Arun,

First of all thanks for this report, and for letting us know about your other job.
I would like to have a more clear description of your working schedule for this project, add it on your wiki page. Use UTC timings.

There are many issues here:

I would be a little bit more clear here:

Reporting week: (dates from Monday to Sunday) for example:

For this report:
Title: Bonding period report.
You are not reporting what you did on the first week of Google Summer of Code,
First week is may 27 to June 2.

Be more explicit:
Reporting weeks for Bonding period: May 1 - May 26
For this particular report:
What I got done this week? → What I got done these weeks?

Lets reword:

  • Create a wiki template
  • Create my wiki page

Move the meetings stuff to what you did these weeks

Lets reword:
What I Plan on doing next week? → Plan for week-1 May 27 to June 2:

I recommend that you use - [ ] on the list of planned things:

  • Finish up …
    That is because it will be easier for you to copy/paste on the next week report and to change it to check if it was done.
  • Finish up …
  • Start planning …
    • Not done because: …

Do a rewrite of this report.