Guidance on contributing to OSGeo

Hello everyone! I’m currently an undergraduate pursuing Integrated M.Tech in Geological Technology. I believe contributing to OSGeo would be a great learning experience for me but I’m completely new to open source development and would like some guidance on it.

I’m a full-stack web developer who has worked with various languages, tools, and frameworks including JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, SQL and bash. I’ve been familiar with some graphing tools too.

If there are any resources available to learn or a contributor guide for new contributors like me, it would be of great help! I would like to know for which project I can give my best.

Here is my Github page for reference: bipashabg (Bipasha Gayary) · GitHub

As I gear up for GSoC and open-source contribution in general, I’m thrilled to get started on working with OSGeo!

Thank you.

Both GRASS and pgRouting project participate in GSOC.

Feel free to introduce yourself in those developer categories if you find those projects interesting.

@neteler did a nice writeup of how to contribute to GRASS here - Seeking Guidance for Contributing to GRASS Development

You can see videos of GRASS from prior conferences - GRASS GIS - OSGeo which might help you with ideas

As for pgRouting take a look at what students have done in the past for ideas - Google Summer of Code · pgRouting/pgrouting Wiki · GitHub

Videos from conferences and also @cvvergara giving developer instruction around the code base - pgRouting - OSGeo

I would suggest looking at these two videos @cvvergara did during GSOC office hours -

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