Does anyone have any recommendations on software to use for hosting online OSGeo chapter events? I thought the FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires event went really well - is there a hosted instance that could be used for other OSGeo events? Or would it be simpler using Teams/Zoom/Jitsi?
But we really haven’t stress tested it to see how much it can handle or if we need to make refinements.
If you have an account then you will be able to create a meeting. Any user including anonymous users can join a meeting. It has the usual protections like you can password protect a meeting and breakout rooms.
@cvvergara and I were discussing this, that we too would like to do things like mini-workshops and at the same time stress jitsi for that.
We’ve also got which has a bunch of the latest vms on it. So we were thinking with the combination of jitsi and remote we can at least have some nice workshops and charge some small amount for which will be contributed back to OSGeo or the projects running the workshops.
Thanks Regina - looks perfect. I was able to login and create a test room, so I presume we just need to create a new unique meeting room and then invite guests / send out the link.
For reference, I found the following related board meeting note and mailing list post:
Correct. Just create a room and invite guests / send out the link.
Let me know how things go. One other tid bit of advice, I think when you are on there is a noise-canceling setting. I have mine turned on usually, but I think by default it is turned off. Helps quite a bit when you have some users with a lot of background noise (like cars etc).
I also wanted to enable recording, but I think I have some ports I need to enable to get that piece working.
There is also (PeerTube instance) that has some live streaming capability which I haven’t had a chance to explore to see if I have that setup right. But you can use it if you want to store chapter meeting meetups.It’s currently used to store FOSS4G videos and some training videos people have recorded on youtube that they would like to store elsewhere without commercials.