Hello @kalxas
We had a PSC meeting this Monday the 29th.
We made a final revision to the documents for incubation
Can you have a look before we send it to the incubation committee, please.
The link for all the documents is here
Hello @kalxas
We had a PSC meeting this Monday the 29th.
We made a final revision to the documents for incubation
Can you have a look before we send it to the incubation committee, please.
The link for all the documents is here
@cvvergara On the trac ticket, I notice your email is still georepublic.de. Shouldn’t that be changed to your new one? #2784 (Incubation request: pgRouting) – OSGeo or the trac ticket is not allowed to be changed after submission for some reason?
Hi Vicky,
Thank you for the notification, I will review the documents.
The process is that the mentor reviews the documents and submits them to
the incubation committee, not the PSC.
On 1/31/24 15:50, Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo via OSGeo Discourse wrote:
Hello @kalxas
We had a PSC meeting this Monday the 29th.
We made a final revision to the documents for incubation
Can you have a look before we send it to the incubation committee, please.
The link for all the documents is here
OSGeo Incubation · pgRouting/pgrouting Wiki · GitHubRegards
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Thnks angelos
On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 8:36 AM Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas@gmail.com>
Hi Vicky,
Thank you for the notification, I will review the documents.
The process is that the mentor reviews the documents and submits them to
the incubation committee, not the PSC.Regards,
AngelosOn 1/31/24 15:50, Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo via OSGeo Discourse
> Hello @kalxas
> We had a PSC meeting this Monday the 29th.
> We made a final revision to the documents for incubation
> Can you have a look before we send it to the incubation committee,
> The link for all the documents is here
> OSGeo Incubation · pgRouting/pgrouting Wiki · GitHub
> Regards
> Vicky
> ---
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Incubation documents review) or
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OSGeo Discourse
Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Angelos Tzotsos' Website
Hi all,
The motion to the Incubation committee has been sent:
Wow, the motion reached 50% quorum within 12h