Introduction: mfra

Hi everyone,

my name is Milan and I’m a software developer from Slovakia. I’ve been working with GeoS on a daily basis for over five years. Like most developers, I’ve encountered minor issues within the software I use or develop.

Many of you are probably familiar with the usual process: open a ticket in the tracking system, and then wait for feedback… @aaime’s response encouraged me to dig deeper and create a patch. After reading some forum posts (especially the one that pointed here) I think that it was a good decision.

You may be wondering why I’m writing this. After all, seeing a pull request from an unknown contributor, having no history within his git account, can be a bit suspicious - especially in these strange times. I wanted to take this opportunity to say “Hello” to the core maintainers and thank them for their patience and dedication.

I look forward to contributing more with future pull requests.
Since it’s still January, I also want to wish everyone a great start to the new year, while looking forward to hear about GeoS3


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Hello Milan, welcome on board!

Welcome @mfra-esmo

Checking for recent PR - is this one yours? [GEOS-11673] : [WFS-T] : Features order in transaction not respected by eropartz · Pull Request #8185 · geoserver/geoserver · GitHub

I volunteered to make the release this month so I am rounding up PRs before starting :slight_smile:

I look forward to your contributions, and thanks for making contact on the forum.

Hey Jody,
the one PR you’re mentioning is not from me. I did just these two 1,2 and both are already merged :relieved:.

1. PR-5032
2. PR-5038

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Hi Milan,
thanks for introducing yourself and for the PRs you shared with the community, much appreciated!