Issue when pointing data-dir to a different remote location

Good morning,

I have encountered a problem when trying to point data-dir to a remote location in /mnt. I have tried every possible way, but it doesn’t work. I modified the file as indicated in the Geoserver documentation, but it still defaults to the initial data-dir location. I also tried declaring the variable within the same file, but in this case, it creates a data folder inside webapps instead of taking the path I’m specifying. I also attempted to declare the environment variable in /etc/environment, but the same issue occurs as before. Could someone please help me? I can include screenshots if anyone needs them.

I assume you are running Debian/Ubuntu. If so, try editing the file


and add


in the appropriate place. Then do

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart tomcat9

I once solved a similar problem in this way. The reason is that Tomcat under Debian is sandboxed by systemd ( debian/README.Debian · master · Debian Java Maintainers / tomcat9 · GitLab) and that might be the problem you are having. Not sure if this is still the case in recent Debian versions.


Thank you very much for taking the time to answer, Mario!

I’m going to try your solution. I use Jetty, not Tomcat, but I guess the configuration will be similar.

I don’t have declared the service in the same way you indicate but I understand that creating the file jetty.service:

Description=Jetty Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Djetty.base=/usr/share/geoserver -DGEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/mnt/geoserver-data -Djava.awt.headless=true -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=geoserver -jar /usr/share/geoserver/start.jar
ExecStop=/usr/bin/java -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=geoserver -jar /usr/share/geoserver/start.jar --stop


It should work.
Sorry for so many questions.

Have you tried setting the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR environmental variable?

I was going to guess you were using the geoserver binary download… but it appears as if you are installing your own jetty service?

However you indicate:

modified the file as indicated in the Geoserver documentation

What page is that on? I have not read those instructions… Your jetty.service file runs start.jar directly, and does not call bin/

Thank you for taking the time, Jody.

Yes, I have tried to declare the variable with export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/geoserver_data but it doesn’t work, in fact, if I do a $echo GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR it shows me the location I indicate but then the geoserver behaviour is not as expected.

I don’t understand very well the last part, if my configuration doesn’t call bin/ why now that I have it declared inside that file as GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=‘/var/lib/geoserver-data’
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR does work, so it has to be initializing?

I have to stress that this case is different from the previous one, I can indicate a different location as long as this location is a local location, the problem is when I try to declare a location on a remote machine.

Thank you very much!

The script you can read or add echo statements, or perhaps add some to your jetty.service file.

These feel a bit more like linux system admin questions then GeoServer questions - so I am not the best equipped to answer.

As for the difference between a local location and a remote location:

  • can you run geoserver directly, just to see what works?
  • What user your service is running as - does that user have permission to access remote locations?