I have encountered a problem when trying to point data-dir to a remote location in /mnt. I have tried every possible way, but it doesn’t work. I modified the startup.sh file as indicated in the Geoserver documentation, but it still defaults to the initial data-dir location. I also tried declaring the variable within the same startup.sh file, but in this case, it creates a data folder inside webapps instead of taking the path I’m specifying. I also attempted to declare the environment variable in /etc/environment, but the same issue occurs as before. Could someone please help me? I can include screenshots if anyone needs them.
Yes, I have tried to declare the variable with export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/geoserver_data but it doesn’t work, in fact, if I do a $echo GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR it shows me the location I indicate but then the geoserver behaviour is not as expected.
I don’t understand very well the last part, if my configuration doesn’t call bin/startup.sh why now that I have it declared inside that file as GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=‘/var/lib/geoserver-data’
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR does work, so it has to be initializing?
I have to stress that this case is different from the previous one, I can indicate a different location as long as this location is a local location, the problem is when I try to declare a location on a remote machine.