Issue with pgr_nodeNetwork Verification: Edges Table Not Found

Hello, @cvvergara @robe Actually I was solving issue#2628 and I was trying to verify my changes so I followed this documentation but this didn’t work properly : pgr_nodeNetwork — pgRouting Manual (3.7) . Could you please guide me with this. The error I faced is :

Saloni-2005_routing=# SELECT pgr_nodeNetwork(‘edges’, 0.001);
NOTICE: id: id
NOTICE: the_geom: the_geom
NOTICE: table_ending: noded
NOTICE: rows_where:
NOTICE: outall: f
NOTICE: pgr_nodeNetwork(‘edges’, 0.001, ‘id’, ‘the_geom’, ‘noded’, ‘’, f)
NOTICE: Performing checks, please wait …
NOTICE: -------> edges NOT found

(1 row)

Could you please highlight what I did wrong or how to resolve?

Do you have an edges table? That error sounds like it can’t find the edges table.

I don’t have actually. How can I create one ?

You can also create from real data which is detailed in the workshop pgr_NodeNetwork - 1. Prepare Data — Workshop - FOSS4G Belém - Routing with pgRouting
AS @cvvergara has stated before, the best way to understand pgrouting and to help is try to go thru the workshop and figure out what might be made clearer and make sure all the steps are followable.

Also Look at some of the sample data files in docqueries

like this one:

pgrouting/docqueries/src/sampledata.result at main · pgRouting/pgrouting · GitHub or

this one - pgrouting/docqueries/src/concepts.result at main · pgRouting/pgrouting · GitHub

pgr_nodeNetwork has a lot of problems.
Please skip that one.