Job Portal on the OSGeo Website?

TLDR; Adding a Jobs page on the OSGeo website.

In every FOSS4G, there’s a job board where people put up jobs or resumes to get hired. I personally interacted with a group of 7 local volunteers who were all looking for work after their graduation. I believe a Job Board will be helpful to the community overall to engage more development in the OSGeo projects as well.

Current Status:

  • There’s a job mailing list, but not sure how active it is
  • Mailing list is a one shot since we have moved to discourse, I believe at the very least we should migrate the list to discourse for public display

What is a job board:

  • A single page showcasing all the jobs put by OSGeo members.
  • OSGeo website will not manage applicants, instead it’ll just redirect where people can apply.

Who can put up jobs:

  • A new role in the WordPress can be created to make sure no spam appears
  • It can also be managed via the jobs mailing list

Benefits to the larger community:

  • OSGeo is a central place for all Open Source Geospatial and getting people “work” is an essential part of it
  • Government, Business and Volunteers are all looking for people to engage with
  • Jobs can be specifically tailored to development of OSGeo projects like QGIS or PostGIS

Potential Cons:

  • SPAM
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I think as long as it requires an OSGeo account to post a Job, there shouldn’t be any spam and if there is then that means we should probably ban that user across our infra. So I’m fine with the idea.

I’d also be happy to move Jobs to discourse, and maybe put a link to that on OSGeo website as that is probably less likely to get stale and we can have those auto-close after a while.

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I agree @robe - having a jobs category on discourse; where we at least have ability for people to contribute easily (unlike website) and have some moderation and trust feedback loops to help.

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We agree that this can/should be done. How do we move forward from here?
@robe Is the next step creating a ticket on trac for this? How are the tasks assigned ?

Where to go from here?

Yes create a ticket on trac. @jive is a discourse admin so he can take care of it.

Done @robe @jive


I’ve created the category here Job Board - OSGeo Discourse

and approved a job post that came recently in General and moved it to this new category.

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