LinuxTag 2006 final preparation

the preparations for the LinuxTag 2006 event with OSGeo booth are almost completed. We have staffed the booth for full time operation, see the table in the Wiki:

If anybody is interested to join in, hack the Wiki and send me a short notice just to make sure.

The City of Wiesbaden is around the corner of Airport Frankfurt, if you are lingering around there drop by and have a coffee with us.

More to do:

We are still missing large posters and small flyers featuring all projects. We have posters and flyers for Mapbender and MapServer only.

It would be nice to have it for all OSGeo projects. If VisCom or the projects themselves would be able to bring something up that would be really very helpful as we are sort of crowded with the other paraphernalia.

This also applies to Friends of the Foundation Projects like PostGIS. We managed to locate the booth just across from PostgreSQL and cross post people to each other. Paul, got something beautiful to print out and give to people?

It would be really great if VsiCom would manage to create a short flyer within the next two weeks with a short description of what we are and where we want to go. We don't have a logo yet but so what. If this doesn't work I will take Franks newsletter plus my German translation, just to have something.

We would really love to have a large banner flying on top of the booth but that will probably not be possible with this short notice. Anybody think different? Anybody got something... :slight_smile:

Thanx a lot for all the help so far, especially to Athina and Torsten!

Best regards,