Lizmap Web Client 3.8 was released

We are pleased to announce the release of Lizmap Web Client 3.8.

You can find the full changelog on the GitHub release. :slightly_smiling_face:

The visual changelog will come later in September, (after the QGIS User conference in Slovakia next week, let’s meet there if you are there !).

Quick overview :

  • Ask a single tile for all layers. This is a major option in this version. It might greatly change the rendering behavior, requesting a single tile to QGIS Server, instead of one per layer toggled in the project. Thanks to Faunalia for these contributions. :+1:
  • Improve snapping functionalities, to be able to choose the layer from Lizmap Web Client directly
  • The HTML content on the landing page can be different according to if the user is connected or not.
  • For HTML and Javascript developers, more WEB components are available, like lizmap-features-table see PR description or JavaScript API.


To benefit of all features, you need the latest plugin version, which was just released now, version 4.3.22. This latest version allows you to have multiple user&groups in the field for attribute filtering.

For your information, the Lizmap Web Client version 3.6 is now EOL (End Of Life). Only critical security bug-fixes will be applied to this branch.

Please test and give some feedbacks :rocket:
