mailing list - was v17 kickoff

Hello and best wishes from Berkeley, California

very recently Angelos sent an email to OSGeoLive email list with an announcement for the v17 kickoff -- great news

However, immediately after that kickoff email, SPAM EMAIL returned to the email list.

Here in Berkeley, I delete spam messages from the mailing list as needed. In the quiet months since the last OSGeoLive, there is almost zero spam. Yet the day after the kickoff email and three replies, now there are dozens of new SPAM EMAIL messages coming in ?!

SPAM EMAIL activity appears to be directly linked to the mailing list activity -- no emails, no spam / new emails, new spam.

The kind of SPAM EMAIL on the mailing list is exactly the low-grade commercial kind in English, that someone else gets paid to send. Someone or something, has setup a responder to the email list to add commercial content SPAM EMAIL to this list when there is activity. The SPAM EMAIL that has been coming for almost a year now, is similar in format and content.

The OSGeoLive email list is a service to the public and "civil society".. it is a communications method between people that are far away and not linked otherwise. This spam activity inserts itself on top of a healthy, low cost and efficient link, like an infection. Worse, no one gets paid to build world class, excellent technology on OSGeoLive but someone or some thing invades the list for tiny amounts of money, distracting and annoying those that are doing works for others and the environmental world.

[0] osgeolive Info Page

Perhaps it is time to start a new email list, and notify the 210 subscribers with a personal contact, to rebuild trust and put this EMAIL SPAM in the past. Other suggestions welcome

best regards --Brian M Hamlin / MAPLABS / Berkeley, California

Consider as an opportunity to move to discourse (rather than create a new
email list?)

Jody Garnett

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:09 PM Brian M Hamlin <> wrote:

Hello and best wishes from Berkeley, California

   very recently Angelos sent an email to OSGeoLive email list with an
announcement for the v17 kickoff -- great news

   However, immediately after that kickoff email, SPAM EMAIL returned to
the email list.

   Here in Berkeley, I delete spam messages from the mailing list as
needed. In the quiet months since the last OSGeoLive, there is almost
zero spam. Yet the day after the kickoff email and three replies, now
there are dozens of new SPAM EMAIL messages coming in ?!

   SPAM EMAIL activity appears to be directly linked to the mailing list
activity -- no emails, no spam / new emails, new spam.

   The kind of SPAM EMAIL on the mailing list is exactly the low-grade
commercial kind in English, that someone else gets paid to send. Someone
or something, has setup a responder to the email list to add commercial
content SPAM EMAIL to this list when there is activity. The SPAM EMAIL
that has been coming for almost a year now, is similar in format and

   The OSGeoLive email list is a service to the public and "civil
society".. it is a communications method between people that are far
away and not linked otherwise. This spam activity inserts itself on top
of a healthy, low cost and efficient link, like an infection. Worse, no
one gets paid to build world class, excellent technology on OSGeoLive
but someone or some thing invades the list for tiny amounts of money,
distracting and annoying those that are doing works for others and the
environmental world.

[0] osgeolive Info Page

   Perhaps it is time to start a new email list, and notify the 210
subscribers with a personal contact, to rebuild trust and put this EMAIL
SPAM in the past. Other suggestions welcome

   best regards --Brian M Hamlin / MAPLABS / Berkeley, California

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 12:34:46PM -0700, Brian M Hamlin wrote:

Perhaps it is time to start a new email list, and notify the 210
subscribers with a personal contact, to rebuild trust and put this EMAIL
SPAM in the past. Other suggestions welcome

Installing spamassassin on the osgeo mail server would possibly help
a little bit. Worth a ticket.


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