Mapbender test platform

Ulrich Rothstein wrote:


Von: Astrid Emde []
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. November 2006 11:01
Betreff: Re: [Mapbender-dev] branches, tags and svn ...

Hi Michael,

For users and want-to-contributors like me, what is the way

to go to

submit new code or code changes or invoke a discussion on these
changes? Are there development branches in the repository

that are not

directly linked to latest stable branch, i.e is everybody at the
moment committing into trunk? Is there a way to test new or changed

The normal way is to contact this list and all contributors are invited to
vote. To manage the code in developer-branches is a good idea, but I don't
know how to manage svn-authorisations for the branches (if we need that at
In the moment the testplatform is our installation 'mapbender_dev' (on But there is no access from 'outside' to checkout the svn
The has not the resources to act as a test-server.
But there is a discussion in progress with the osgeo...

best regards


the "discussion in progress with OSGeo" regarding a test server has stalled midway due to several reasons including that our administrator of trust was knocked out for some time. Mapbender developers are now requesting for a development platform on OSGeo infrastructure again. Mapbender is currently using the CN SVN for code management. It should be possible to use an SVN client on that server to access and update from this SVN. For development purposes it should also be possible to configure Apache with htaccess limiting access to directories to be able to implement OWS security proxy functionality, https should also be available including Port 80 and 403 access from that server to the internet (which regularly is turned off on standard boxes). The installation needs PHP5, it should be possible to configure all PHP settings on that machine. A PostgreSQL/PostGIS database is required for operation (additionally a MySQL instance would be helpful to get all debugging done at one place). Obviously it should be possible to up- and download files to that server. Code and resources will only eat up minimal disk space.

All this feels like it would best be hosted on a virtual machine that can be hacked and configured independent of the other OSGeo infrastructure. Ideally it would be possible to duplicate this virtual machine and have a life demo server that always hosts the current version. The operating system platform is fairly irrelevant, any Linunix will do, preferably Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD (no SuSE).

Currently most development takes place on servers hosted by CCGIS which is not practical for several reasons. It cannot be opened for more extensive use by other developers due to security restrictions implemented to suit the privacy needs of some customers. The machines are used in a variety of projects requiring individual settings and last but not least these are dedicated business server operated by one company which feels wrong.

We are in the exceptionally cool situation that there are so many productive Mapbender sites online that there is no real need for a dedicated demo server. Additionally there is no hurry as we can continue to work as is but we wanted to restart this discussion because there has been interest by developers to join development more closely.

Best regards, Arnulf.

Arnulf Christl wrote:

The installation needs PHP5, it should be possible to configure all PHP settings on that machine. A PostgreSQL/PostGIS database is required for operation (additionally a MySQL instance would be helpful to get all debugging done at one place). Obviously it should be possible to up- and download files to that server. Code and resources will only eat up minimal disk space.
All this feels like it would best be hosted on a virtual machine that can be hacked and configured independent of the other OSGeo infrastructure. Ideally it would be possible to duplicate this virtual machine and have a life demo server that always hosts the current version. The operating system platform is fairly irrelevant, any Linunix will do, preferably Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD (no SuSE).

This seems like a natural fit for a FGS installation. FGS comes with its own Apache, PHP and Postgres/Postgis instance and can be installed inside a user account without interfering with the system libs at all. You can also run multiple FGS instances on the same server without any conflict. The only thing missing from your list is MySQL (FGS has MySQL client built in but doesn't provide its own server). I'm also not sure if FGS comes with SSL enabled in Apache or not but that can be addressed I'm sure.

Unfortunately I do not have time to help set that up now, but I just wanted to point out that FGS might be an option to consider if we want virtual environments (not full virtual machines) for the OSGeo demo server(s).

Daniel Morissette


I have rebuilt the .215 blade with postgres mysql ... Its running Fedora Core 4 and its been updated with Yum
Linux xblade10-2 2.6.17-1.2142_FC4 #1 Tue Jul 11 22:41:14 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
I have installed Mapbender but I could use some help configuring :wink:

The only other project I have running on it is Sahana

The system is connected to the telascience LDAP so your shell logins will work....


Daniel Morissette wrote:

Arnulf Christl wrote:

The installation needs PHP5, it should be possible to configure all PHP settings on that machine. A PostgreSQL/PostGIS database is required for operation (additionally a MySQL instance would be helpful to get all debugging done at one place). Obviously it should be possible to up- and download files to that server. Code and resources will only eat up minimal disk space.
All this feels like it would best be hosted on a virtual machine that can be hacked and configured independent of the other OSGeo infrastructure. Ideally it would be possible to duplicate this virtual machine and have a life demo server that always hosts the current version. The operating system platform is fairly irrelevant, any Linunix will do, preferably Ubuntu, Debian or FreeBSD (no SuSE).

This seems like a natural fit for a FGS installation. FGS comes with its own Apache, PHP and Postgres/Postgis instance and can be installed inside a user account without interfering with the system libs at all. You can also run multiple FGS instances on the same server without any conflict. The only thing missing from your list is MySQL (FGS has MySQL client built in but doesn't provide its own server). I'm also not sure if FGS comes with SSL enabled in Apache or not but that can be addressed I'm sure.

Unfortunately I do not have time to help set that up now, but I just wanted to point out that FGS might be an option to consider if we want virtual environments (not full virtual machines) for the OSGeo demo server(s).
