[Marketing] 2017-10-4 Meeting - Newsletter Template | Styleguide v6 | Remaining Bugs | Content Migration

Hello list,

Today’s meeting is this afternoon, for today’s meeting we would like to discuss the following items:

  • Newsletter Template

  • Styleguide v6

  • Remaining Bugs (GitHub)

  • Content Migration

I’ve added the agenda items for today’s meeting to the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document. Here’s the link to the document:

Link to the HangOuts Meeting: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/getinteractive.nl/weekly-meeting?authuser=0

(Other links and further detailed information on today’s agenda items will be posted in the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document.)


With regards,
Pim Tebbens

+31 (0)30 60 808 48

Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Op dit e-mailbericht zijn de Algemene voorwaarden van Get Interactive van toepassing.
Deze kunt u terug vinden op onze website http://www.getinteractive.nl/algemene-voorwaarden/.

Thanks for a productive meeting, it is great to see so much progress, and so few bugs remaining.

We added one more agenda topic: 5. Status and Schedule

Here is the resulting list of actions:

  • Action: Helena to recommend mailchimp and templateto GeoForAll mailing list

  • Action: Pim to put updated/revised styleguide on google drive → Jody to copy over to github

  • Action: (done) report proposed geoforall map as a enhancement - https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/issues/115

  • Action: Jody to ask the board to update the google doc with new partners!

  • Action: Send online feedback form to participants in code-sprint after remaining bugs fixed

  • Action: Revisit schedule after Oct 10th SAC meeting

    Action: (done) Mark “migrate to” issues as bugs for Jeffrey Laust to schedule


On 4 October 2017 at 07:02, Pim Tebbens <p.tebbens@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hello list,

Today’s meeting is this afternoon, for today’s meeting we would like to discuss the following items:

  • Newsletter Template

  • Styleguide v6

  • Remaining Bugs (GitHub)

  • Content Migration

I’ve added the agenda items for today’s meeting to the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document. Here’s the link to the document:

Link to the HangOuts Meeting: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/getinteractive.nl/weekly-meeting?authuser=0

(Other links and further detailed information on today’s agenda items will be posted in the ‘Website/Rebranding meetings’ document.)

With regards,
Pim Tebbens

+31 (0)30 60 808 48

Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Op dit e-mailbericht zijn de Algemene voorwaarden van Get Interactive van toepassing.
Deze kunt u terug vinden op onze website http://www.getinteractive.nl/algemene-voorwaarden/.

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett