[Marketing] 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lugano 2008

At the following link the Web site of the event.


Note that OSGeo is present in:
- organization -> Supporting Organization
- PROGRAM -> Sat 22: Symposia -> 14. Data acquisition, Geo-processing, GIS, digital mapping and 3D visualisation

Note also that is possible to set up a booth (..."These can be allocated free of charge to scientific (non-profit) organisations such as scientific societies or commissions of the Academy."....).
If you agree I would like to set-up an OSgeo stand.


Dr. Massimiliano Cannata
Environmental & Geomatic Engineer

Institute of Earth Scences - SUPSI
Trevano, C.P. 72, CH-6952 Canobbio, SWITZERLAND

Tel: +41 (0)58 / 666 62 14 Fax: +41 (0)58 / 666 62 09
E-mail: massimiliano.cannata@supsi.ch

Web: http://www.ist.supsi.ch

Massimiliano Cannata wrote:

At the following link the Web site of the event.


Note that OSGeo is present in:
- organization -> Supporting Organization
- PROGRAM -> Sat 22: Symposia -> 14. Data acquisition, Geo-processing, GIS, digital mapping and 3D visualisation

Note also that is possible to set up a booth (..."These can be allocated free of charge to scientific (non-profit) organisations such as scientific societies or commissions of the Academy."....).
If you agree I would like to set-up an OSgeo stand.



I think this is a great idea! I don't know what your requirements are to setup an OSGeo stand but I'm sure there are some reusable materials available over there (maybe Arnulf can point you to where they are). Let's hear what others have to say.
