[Marketing] AAG Aftermath

For those who haven't seen I've got a small report up online about our
booth at the AAG.

Cloudmade sending and OSM community ambassador was really great, not
only for the additional swag to hand out but the extra person and the
added topic of free data helped draw more people. Dirk Munson did a
fantastic job as well as all of our volunteers.
He also blogged live from the booth and had a data card for a live OSM demo.

Tanya Buckingham from NACIS (North American Cartographic Information
Society) invited OSGeo to submit an article to their 1st online/public
access version of their journal.
We we're also invited to table at their annual conference this year in
Sacramento, Oct 7-10. It's only 30 min from the Davis crew and should be
easy to handle. More details to come later.

We have a tentative booth reservation for 2010 in Washington, D.C.
See http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/AAG_2010

More to come later,