[Marketing] Atol CD / Hello

As open source solutions integrator since 2000, Atol Conseils et Développements creates custom mapping solutions based on recognized GIS open source components: Openlayers, GeoServer, PostGIS, GeoTools, JTS, Géosource…
We sponsor OsGeo and Geoserver.
Some GIS open source examples :

  • Pentaho Data Integrator GIS Plugins : It brings some GIS capabilities to the Pentaho Data Integrator ETL
  • Remocra : A collaborative extranet for the management of fire defense, crises management (flood, fire, …), the search for causes and circumstances of fires… It is designed by and for firefighters.

I am in charge of marketing and i can not create the service provider page from wordpress. when I click on “Add”, I only can add “media”
Could you help me please ?

Thank you !
I hope my english is not too bad :wink:


| <img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/logo.png"> | Caroline Chanlon<br>Chargée de Communication<br>[c.chanlon@atolcd.com](mailto:c.chanlon@atolcd.com) / 03 45 58 26 17 - 06 81 38 25 16<br>[www.atolcd.com](http://www.atolcd.com/) <br>[<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/facebook.png">](https://www.facebook.com/atolcd/) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/youtube-2.png">](https://www.youtube.com/user/atolcd/videos) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/twitter.png">](https://twitter.com/atolcd) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/linkedin.png">](https://www.linkedin.com/company/1422598/admin/) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/wordpress.png">](https://blog.atolcd.com/)<br><br> |
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[<img src="https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&amp;id=1A4NTgO3rBBNyEbL7ZyXijzNAuiAWQc1u&amp;revid=0B0mzTITkb0UxTGdCSUNwVTZneUV2S1gya1J6T2FhZk1LSFlZPQ" width="420" height="122">](https://www.atolcd.com/evenement/webinar-pentaho-actualites-et-revolutions.html)

Thanks for reaching our Caroline, this is the correct place to ask for “author” and “service provider author” access.

You should now be able to create that service provider page, as a member of our community you also have the ability to add resources (documents/presentations/whitepapers), events and news items.

I have written up extensive notes on how to add a service provider page (please make use of the logo template provided there).

The open source projects you mention are not yet on our project list, perhaps we could talk about this when you are done your service provider page.

Thank you for taking part in our community.


Jody Garnett

The “Atol CD” provider page is ok ! https://www.osgeo.org/service-providers/atol-conseils-et-developpements/
REMOcRA is a business app but Pentaho Data Integrator GIS Plugins could be listed :slight_smile: Do you need more information ?


| <img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/logo.png"> | Caroline Chanlon<br>Chargée de Communication<br>[c.chanlon@atolcd.com](mailto:c.chanlon@atolcd.com) / 03 45 58 26 17 - 06 81 38 25 16<br>[www.atolcd.com](http://www.atolcd.com/) <br>[<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/facebook.png">](https://www.facebook.com/atolcd/) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/youtube-2.png">](https://www.youtube.com/user/atolcd/videos) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/twitter.png">](https://twitter.com/atolcd) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/linkedin.png">](https://www.linkedin.com/company/1422598/admin/) [<img src="https://www.atolcd.com/fileadmin/Atoliens/signature-mail/wordpress.png">](https://blog.atolcd.com/)<br><br> |
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[<img src="https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&amp;id=11MkRjlO4mCT3_QRO47IViBxpgGwVRKAK&amp;revid=0B0mzTITkb0UxUUhOdHAvRTZhMElkT3dYVjUrRmdYNVZaSVg0PQ" width="420" height="122">](https://www.atolcd.com/evenement/paris-open-source-summit-10-et-11-decembre-2019.html)

The marketing committee focuses on listing companies/organizations that provide geospatial open source services.

To list projects I need to send you over the the “osgeo incubationemail list, where we can go over the data integrator gis plugin and double check it is open source, and then give you access to create a project page.


Jody Garnett