[Marketing] [Board] division of responsibilities between marketing and board committees

Jody, board,
I am personally stretched beyond the amount of amount of volunteer time I am able to contribute, and I have not been contributing to the marketing committee.

With the marketing committee previously all but collapsed, I don’t have the time or inclination to carry the committee on my own. My feeling is that if there isn’t enough volunteer interest to step up to the committee, then maybe it isn’t important enough to the community.

This might be changing with recent interest shown by Marc and Nicolas. I’d be interested to hear their thoughts.

To make it clear, I’m hereby stepping down as OSGeo Marketing Committee chair - although I’m willing to act as a committee member and support someone else who steps up.

Warm regards, Cameron


On 26/04/2016 7:27 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

We have had a number of recent motions MOT3 and MOT4 where the board has consistently responded with a question - do we make this decision or does the marketing committee?

Cameron (as marketing committee chair) has been consistent in asking these requests be channeled through the marketing committee.

There was some concern about the effectiveness of USB sticks for outreach. These questions can be better answered by the marketing committee - which interested parties can of course join.

Cameron would it be possible to update the marketing committee wiki page to reflect the 2016 budget. Helena is also reaching out to the committee with respect to a presense at foss4gna where a booth has been secured (along with some conference passes).

Jody Garnett

Board mailing list
Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W [www.lisasoft.com](http://www.lisasoft.com),  F +61 2 9009 5099

Cameron et al


I would be happy to step up to the plate. But if I you and others are willing to give me some pointers, that would help. For example; Helena asking for materials…for NA…me being not aware if there is existing material or this should be produced anew… And time pressing…

Please note; Helena is presently in Holland so I could sync with here directly.

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 26 apr. 2016 om 22:36 heeft Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

Jody, board,
I am personally stretched beyond the amount of amount of volunteer time I am able to contribute, and I have not been contributing to the marketing committee.

With the marketing committee previously all but collapsed, I don’t have the time or inclination to carry the committee on my own. My feeling is that if there isn’t enough volunteer interest to step up to the committee, then maybe it isn’t important enough to the community.

This might be changing with recent interest shown by Marc and Nicolas. I’d be interested to hear their thoughts.

To make it clear, I’m hereby stepping down as OSGeo Marketing Committee chair - although I’m willing to act as a committee member and support someone else who steps up.

Warm regards, Cameron

On 26/04/2016 7:27 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

We have had a number of recent motions MOT3 and MOT4 where the board has consistently responded with a question - do we make this decision or does the marketing committee?

Cameron (as marketing committee chair) has been consistent in asking these requests be channeled through the marketing committee.

There was some concern about the effectiveness of USB sticks for outreach. These questions can be better answered by the marketing committee - which interested parties can of course join.

Cameron would it be possible to update the marketing committee wiki page to reflect the 2016 budget. Helena is also reaching out to the committee with respect to a presense at foss4gna where a booth has been secured (along with some conference passes).

Jody Garnett

Board mailing list
Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W [www.lisasoft.com](http://www.lisasoft.com),  F +61 2 9009 5099

I'll respond to this email on the marketing email list.

On 27/04/2016 6:51 am, Marc Vloemans wrote:

I would be happy to step up to the plate. But if I you and others are willing to give me some pointers, that would help. For example; Helena asking for materials....for NA....me being not aware if there is existing material or this should be produced anew... And time pressing.....

Please note; Helena is presently in Holland so I could sync with here directly.

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Hi Marc,
Thanks for stepping up.
Yes, I’d be happy to answer questions about what has been done in the past to help avoid re-inventing the wheel, and provide pointers if appropriate.

Bottle necks we have is:

  1. Criteria for what OSGeo considers worth sponsoring should be updated (or completely re-written).


  1. Process for requesting, approving and allocating funding be put in place. Previously this involved putting a request to vote from the marketing email list.

  2. Process for paying for activities/items be put in place. Previously this involved the Marketing Chair telling OSGeo Treasurer to pay someone. This was a time consuming process, and cost OSGeo $30 per transaction to write a cheque. This process could be improved.

I’ll answer Helena’s email separately.

Warm regards, Cameron


On 27/04/2016 6:51 am, Marc Vloemans wrote:

Cameron et al

I would be happy to step up to the plate. But if I you and others are willing to give me some pointers, that would help. For example; Helena asking for materials…for NA…me being not aware if there is existing material or this should be produced anew… And time pressing…

Please note; Helena is presently in Holland so I could sync with here directly.

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

Op 26 apr. 2016 om 22:36 heeft Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

Jody, board,
I am personally stretched beyond the amount of amount of volunteer time I am able to contribute, and I have not been contributing to the marketing committee.

With the marketing committee previously all but collapsed, I don’t have the time or inclination to carry the committee on my own. My feeling is that if there isn’t enough volunteer interest to step up to the committee, then maybe it isn’t important enough to the community.

This might be changing with recent interest shown by Marc and Nicolas. I’d be interested to hear their thoughts.

To make it clear, I’m hereby stepping down as OSGeo Marketing Committee chair - although I’m willing to act as a committee member and support someone else who steps up.

Warm regards, Cameron

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W [www.lisasoft.com](http://www.lisasoft.com),  F +61 2 9009 5099

On 26/04/2016 7:27 am, Jody Garnett wrote:

We have had a number of recent motions MOT3 and MOT4 where the board has consistently responded with a question - do we make this decision or does the marketing committee?

Cameron (as marketing committee chair) has been consistent in asking these requests be channeled through the marketing committee.

There was some concern about the effectiveness of USB sticks for outreach. These questions can be better answered by the marketing committee - which interested parties can of course join.

Cameron would it be possible to update the marketing committee wiki page to reflect the 2016 budget. Helena is also reaching out to the committee with respect to a presense at foss4gna where a booth has been secured (along with some conference passes).

Jody Garnett

Board mailing list
Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W [www.lisasoft.com](http://www.lisasoft.com),  F +61 2 9009 5099

On 2016-04-27 5:27 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

3. Process for paying for activities/items be put in place. Previously
this involved the Marketing Chair telling OSGeo Treasurer to pay
someone. This was a time consuming process, and cost OSGeo $30 per
transaction to write a cheque. This process could be improved.

Just to clarify, cheques were essentially free and were used for payments within North America. For payments overseas, wires seemed to be the preferred method and it is those that used to cost 30$ per transaction.

I CC'd Mike, the new treasurer, on this. He has setup a new account and the fee structure may have changed.

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

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