[Marketing] Brochure now live...

I just realised that I'm not sure if I mentioned the completed brochure to folks on this list. The brochure was completed just in time for Alex to take some to the AAG event. You can see it in my recent blog post below the photo of our booth:


I also have some other marketing material items coming in this week and I will be posting them online for preview/download purposes. This will include a sort of letterhead/cover page, CD/DVD design, and more.

Best wishes,

Hi Tyler:

Thanks for posting these - http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Material_Samples

I noticed I was pestering you off list about this stuff when you had
started a perfectly reasonable discussion thread here.

I am working through slide and workbook templates for some FOSS4G
material and will use this as a starting point. So far I have run into
several problems ...

There is lot to like here:
- the background is great; nice and bright and cheerful and still
interesting especially on the workbook cover
- I wonder if we should substitute in the appropriate OSGeo logo for
the orgnaization or project putting together the materials? OSGeo -
project, OSGeo - sustaining sponsor etc...

The slides leave me cold:
- the green text will vanish on almost any overhead projector (the
color range is less on a projector and goes down over time)
- need more elbow room for content; especially if any diagrams are
used - I would hate to make them small and hard to read.
- the OSGeo logo leading ahead of each individual slide title is a
gets in the way of narrative. Moving the heading up to the right of
the logo does not help much; it provides more room for diagrams but
then the slide reads wrong; you end up reading the logo each time
rather than the title

I wrote some of this into a blog post


I also have some other marketing material items coming in this week and I
will be posting them online for preview/download purposes. This will
include a sort of letterhead/cover page, CD/DVD design, and more.

Best wishes,
Marketing mailing list