[Marketing] Call for Papers - AAG 2009

--Please Pass On--
Call for Papers - "Free and Open Source Software for geographers"

The deadline to submit papers for the Association of American
Geographers(AAG) annual conference has been extended until Nov. 13, 2008.

There will be organized sessions on "Free and Open Source Software",
sponsored by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation(OSGEO) and the AAG
Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group.

We have several sessions planned on a variety of topics, including
non-technical lightning talks with a group discussion to in depth
technical talks. For specifics of the sessions, current speaker lists
and general information please visit:

We still have some spots for speakers and will create additional session
s based on demand. Please contact if you have submitted or intend to
submit so I can add you to the session listing.

Also, OSGEO will be running an exhibit booth and is soliciting for more
volunteers and sponsorship.

For more information:
AAG Conference

Thank you,
Alex Mandel

Geography Graduate Group
Information Center for the Environment (ICE)
University of California, Davis

thanks for the good work here, this sounds promising.

Two little details. We try to maintain our brand name written as "OSGeo", so please alway use it with the "OSG" in capitals and "eo" ins small letters.

If you produce paper or poster or banner please use the updated version available in SVN as SVG, PNG and EPS. Be careful when using EPS, depending on the software the colors mess up (it does not work for me using Kubuntu und GIMP). This information has not yet propagated throughout all sites (my bad, will hopefully fix it this weekend).

Best regards, Arnulf.

Alex Mandel wrote:

--Please Pass On--
Call for Papers - "Free and Open Source Software for geographers"

The deadline to submit papers for the Association of American
Geographers(AAG) annual conference has been extended until Nov. 13, 2008.

There will be organized sessions on "Free and Open Source Software",
sponsored by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation(OSGEO) and the AAG
Cyberinfrastructure Specialty Group.

We have several sessions planned on a variety of topics, including
non-technical lightning talks with a group discussion to in depth
technical talks. For specifics of the sessions, current speaker lists
and general information please visit:

We still have some spots for speakers and will create additional session
s based on demand. Please contact if you have submitted or intend to
submit so I can add you to the session listing.

Also, OSGEO will be running an exhibit booth and is soliciting for more
volunteers and sponsorship.

For more information:
AAG Conference

Thank you,
Alex Mandel

Geography Graduate Group
Information Center for the Environment (ICE)
University of California, Davis
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