[Marketing] Communication concept development

Marketing is starting on the development of a communication concept for OSGeo. To do this a proposal was requested from the people who also did the work around GeoNetwork opensource (Birgit and Ines). In the IRC meeting yesterday it was discussed how to follow up:
http://logs.qgis.org/osgeo/%23osgeo.2007-11-21.log (11:01:41 onwards)

I wanted to talk to Birgit Aigner before actually voting for going ahead to find out whether we have had any contact before [0], to explain my globalization related concerns[1] to her and to find out whether I trust them to be able to do it. I do. In short, talking to her convinced me that OSGeo should take the proposed path.

I will meet Birgit in person to start the detailed briefing that she needs to get going. Obviously I will introduce her to what I think is relevant. If you could attend to my FOSS Business Models Talk at FOSS4G you may have an idea of the direction in which this will go. I wrote a mail to Marketing summing up what Jeroen, Michael, Venka, Tyler and many others have brought together wrt to marketing. This will be our starting point. * http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/marketing/2007-November/001582.html

My briefing will also focus on topics related to my lonely advocacy contributions in the Wiki:
* http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Category:Advocacy

I am somewhat uncertain as to whether this is what OSGeo at large wants though. *And* it is the first time that I come into the situation to actually spend money from OSGeo that I have not collected myself. This might also explain part of my reluctance and potentially unexpected formal way of doing things.

By virtue of my role a chair of Marketing I am probably entitled to go ahead without more backing but I would like to get at least five +1 from the Board confirming this - or vetoes and directions on what to do instead. If you need more information before you can do this please ask for it.

Best regards,

Arnulf Benno Christl
(OSGeo Board Member)
+50.7342N +7.0707E

[0] I never met Birgit before and there have not been any commercial activities between us or companies that any of us are involved with.

[1] as a global corporation we have to carefully balance between cost and quality. A Germany based company will probably have the highest costs and thus also higher prices than any other location in the world. So we wondered whether it is a good idea to do this.

Arnulf Christl wrote:

... and to find out whether I trust them to be able to do it. I do. In short, talking to her convinced me that OSGeo should take the proposed path.



I am somewhat uncertain as to whether this is what OSGeo at large wants though. *And* it is the first time that I come into the situation to actually spend money from OSGeo that I have not collected myself. This might also explain part of my reluctance and potentially unexpected formal way of doing things.
By virtue of my role a chair of Marketing I am probably entitled to go ahead without more backing but I would like to get at least five +1 from the Board confirming this - or vetoes and directions on what to do instead. If you need more information before you can do this please ask for it.

From this email:


I'd like to see a focus on new users, and potential sponsors under the
assumption that other mechanisms are likely sufficient for existing
projects, and potential new projects.

I have not re-reviewed your various advocacy wiki pages. I'm generally
supportive of what I have read of them in the past. My caveat would
be that as the "message" is being fine tuned you will need to run it
through the marketing committee for feedback.

So, my sense is if you are confident in the direction, then I'm supportive.
Don't let waiting for approval stop progress, but do keep the marketing
committee. If the marketing committee needs to spend money on this then
lets gets some money in place for the effort (with the understanding
that this comes out of a finite pool of money that will be available for
marketing over the coming year).


Does that help?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org