[Marketing] Component 2 motion discussion thread

I should note that I am happy with this result; while we can always find small details to work the website functionality is there we just need to get the keys to fill in a couple of our marketing pages before it can go live :slight_smile:

Cameron the other thing to check for a quick overview is the report produced by Get Interactive:




On 6 December 2017 at 00:14, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Taking this to a seperate thread to avoid discussion getting in the way of voting (this is a common way get distracted and avoid quorum).

Jody (and others involved),

Would you mind summarising your reasoning for accepting this component 2. I have not had bandwidth to review and will be basing my vote on my trust of your reasoning and judgement.

Cheers, Cameron

The spreadsheet, listing contract items is provided. Each row lists a deliverable and a link to a page demonstrating the functionality. In a few cases an issue was found, the spreadsheet links to the issue and these were resolved prior to sign off.


OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

I will cut and paste the table (from component 2 tab).

Contract chapter Sign-off by Description General theme components (waiting on transfer to repo) Home Jody Projects Jody Project index;
Jody Project guided/faceted search;
Jody Project detail page;
Jody Project teams should be able to maintain their own project content and/or link to exter-nal content. Local Organizations Jody Local Chapters index using a map based interface;
Jody Local detail page with events, news and social media feeds related to local chapter;
Jody Local organizations are able to add events to the events calendar. Initiatives Jody Initiatives index (highlight OSGeo foundation key initiatives high level way);
Jody Initiative detail page with resources and news. Initiatives (sub-site) Jody News Jody News index sorted by latest;
Jody News detail page;
Jody Local organisations, project teams, content maintainers and OSGeo stakeholders are able to publish/add news items. Downloads (moved to resources) Jody - won’t fix Downloads index;
Jody - won’t fix Download detail with links to project detail page. Gallery / Case Studies (moved to resources) Jody Gallery / case studies index;
Jody Gallery / case studie detail page. Events Jody - list only Event index with a list and calendar view;
Jody - missed during wireframe review Event detail page with social media feeds, hashtags and photo streams;
Jody Project teams and local organizations are able to publish/add events. Geo for All (Education) Jody Local Geo for All Laboratories index;
Jody Local Geo for All Laboratories detail page;
Jody Knowledge base. (moved to resources) Users Jody Users index;
Jody User search;
Jody* User detail/profile page including project, local organization affiliations, their contributions and a map of their location;
Jody Users able to connect with other users (local / worldwide). Commercial providers Jody Commercial providers index;
Jody Commercial provider detail page with qualifications, logo, url, number of employees, language, local and technology;
Jody Search / filter commercial providers;
Jody Project steering teams can highlight commercial providers as core contributor or contributor and add commercial providers. Partners Jody Partners index;
Jody - manually link to initiatves Partner detail page with relevant initiatives, projects and resources. Sponsors / Contributors Jody Sponsors index;
Jody Sponsor detail page with relevant initiatives, projects and resources. (During design phase the decision was made to have only a index page) Generic content page Jody Search Jody Newsletter Jody - ref oct 4th meeting Subscribe / unsubscribe newsletter form;
Jody - ref oct 4th meeting Design newsletter template;
Jody - ref oct 4th meeting Template configuration in MailChimp. Integration existing LDAP registry, installation and configuration Content migration Jody (Migration of drupal content to website as outlined in site map) Installation and technical support after launching website Monitoring and reporting after launching website Aggregating feedback (user interviews, surveys);
Jody Drafting recommendations.

My initial feedback (prior to issues being fixed) was concern about cross linking of content, Asan example ensuring events showing up on the project, initiative and local chapter pages so we only had to edit the event page. Although this was “missed” during wireframe sessions the functionality would be a pain to do by hand.

With that fixed the table has four items for a judgement call:

a) download page: idea was discarded during planning and wireframe mockups and not followed up.

b) event page, we did not outline a calendar view during wireframe session. Something we reviewed and signed off on. The page now lists future events in sorted order making it “easier” to find upcoming activities.

c) event page dynamic social media content, links are provided rather than pulling in recent tweets for flickr photos.

d) newsletter, while templates have been provided the GeoForAll community has not expressed a solid interest.

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett