[Marketing] Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation Review and Sign-off

Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the “Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation”:

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links to the google drive files, provided.

Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:

This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities at events or distributed to educational institutions and other organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.

Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies; think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.

  • Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template

  • Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter used for Boston

  • One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter

  • Project - we have many examples

  • Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example

  • Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these

  • Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template

  • Initiative - geoforall used as an example

  • Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or initiative? it is an other …)- Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template

  • we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost- Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending

  • Booth Materials

  • Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google drive folders

  • Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text inconsistent

  • Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided

  • Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread over google drive folders and email- Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how these are used :slight_smile:

  • Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it looks not the actual sign

  • T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable

  • Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin

The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.

  1. shared google drive folder used for this project


  1. delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events


  1. github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)


For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign) as required.


Jody Garnett

Hi Jody,


Did you check Google Spreadsheet list? I’ve put the links to the files there. The one page info sheets and brochure A4 and Letter size are provided. The eps files I provided should be editable, I made those in Adobe Illustrator. One page content files don’t need a dtp programs like InDesign. Brochure needs a program like InDesign or for instance a program like Scribus. Let go through the list during the meeting tomorrow.

With regards,

Pim Tebbens

Op 12 sep. 2017 om 20:29 heeft Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the “Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation”:

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links to the google drive files, provided.

Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:

This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities at events or distributed to educational institutions and other organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.

Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies; think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.

  • Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template

  • Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter used for Boston

  • One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter

  • Project - we have many examples

  • Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example

  • Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these

  • Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template

  • Initiative - geoforall used as an example

  • Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or initiative? it is an other …)- Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template

  • we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost- Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending

  • Booth Materials

  • Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google drive folders

  • Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text inconsistent

  • Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided

  • Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread over google drive folders and email- Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how these are used :slight_smile:

  • Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it looks not the actual sign

  • T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable

  • Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin

The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.

  1. shared google drive folder used for this project


  1. delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events


  1. github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)


For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign) as required.

Jody Garnett

Thanks Pim, that is what I was reviewing.

I have not tried editing EPS files (some of the ones I tried to edit in August showed up with each character as its own seperate shape). I am happy to try again :slight_smile:

And yes we can go through the list in tomorrows meeting, we may also wish to check when Astrid as she is unable to join us during that weekly meeting timeslot.


On 12 September 2017 at 11:52, Pim Tebbens <p.tebbens@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi Jody,

Did you check Google Spreadsheet list? I’ve put the links to the files there. The one page info sheets and brochure A4 and Letter size are provided. The eps files I provided should be editable, I made those in Adobe Illustrator. One page content files don’t need a dtp programs like InDesign. Brochure needs a program like InDesign or for instance a program like Scribus. Let go through the list during the meeting tomorrow.

With regards,

Pim Tebbens

Op 12 sep. 2017 om 20:29 heeft Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the “Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation”:

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links to the google drive files, provided.

Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:

This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities at events or distributed to educational institutions and other organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.

Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies; think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.

  • Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template

  • Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter used for Boston

  • One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter

  • Project - we have many examples

  • Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example

  • Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these

  • Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template

  • Initiative - geoforall used as an example

  • Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or initiative? it is an other …)- Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template

  • we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost- Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending

  • Booth Materials

  • Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google drive folders

  • Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text inconsistent

  • Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided

  • Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread over google drive folders and email- Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how these are used :slight_smile:

  • Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it looks not the actual sign

  • T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable

  • Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin

The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.

  1. shared google drive folder used for this project


  1. delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events


  1. github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)


For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign) as required.

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Responding to Astrid’s request for information about printing:

  1. OSGeo-Brochure

I would like to print new OSGeo Brochures. Is the version at print rady the up-to-date one?
print-ready [6]​

The PDF in the above print-ready folder is Letter sized for Boston; is this size useful for you or do you need this content in A4? We revised some content based on the fosss4ge code-sprint and fixed many small glitches during review before Boston printing.

  1. OSGeo project flyer

At print-ready [6]​ there are no project flyer.
At FOSS4G Printables [7] there are some links to some newer flyer version. For the rest I assume that the ones at github are the up-to-date ones.

That sounds correct but we should check:

  • checking osgeo_a4.pdf history shows Jul 13 modification
  • checking osgeo_letter.pdf history shows Aug 12 modification

Can you check the modification date in the print-ready folder to see if they are newer?

  1. Roll-Up

Are the roll-ups the up-to-date ones at print-ready [6]​

Would be really great to have everything at one place at github.

Yes - that is why we are reviewing in email :slight_smile:

I am afraid I am confused on these, there were several options of different sizes being sent around for review.

  1. Logos OSGeo

All OSGeo logo versions should be places at f.e
not at

Do you think? Those logos are specific to the incubation process. I was thinking that I would create a sponsors folder with instructions and materials for sponsors.

Sorry, on wednesdays when marketing planning takes place I am always still working and can’t join.

Working is good; is there a time you can meet to review component 3 deliverables? You may also have more options to meet directly with Marc and Pim.


On 12 September 2017 at 11:29, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the “Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation”:

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links to the google drive files, provided.

Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:

This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities at events or distributed to educational institutions and other organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.

Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies; think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.

  • Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template

  • Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter used for Boston

  • One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter

  • Project - we have many examples

  • Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example

  • Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these

  • Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template

  • Initiative - geoforall used as an example

  • Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or initiative? it is an other …)- Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template

  • we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost- Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending

  • Booth Materials

  • Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google drive folders

  • Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text inconsistent

  • Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided

  • Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread over google drive folders and email- Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how these are used :slight_smile:

  • Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it looks not the actual sign

  • T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable

  • Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin

The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.

  1. shared google drive folder used for this project


  1. delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events


  1. github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)


For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign) as required.

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Hi Jody,

I’m sorry, I was a little bit too fast with responding without reading the complete mail (been a long day and all). I’ll double check the files tomorrow and see if they are all okey. I suspect there are some compatibility problems with the different software being used for editing the collateral files.


2017-09-12 21:02 GMT+02:00 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com>:

Thanks Pim, that is what I was reviewing.

I have not tried editing EPS files (some of the ones I tried to edit in August showed up with each character as its own seperate shape). I am happy to try again :slight_smile:

And yes we can go through the list in tomorrows meeting, we may also wish to check when Astrid as she is unable to join us during that weekly meeting timeslot.

With regards,
Pim Tebbens

+31 (0)30 60 808 48

Dorpsstraat 50, 3433 CM Nieuwegein

Op dit e-mailbericht zijn de Algemene voorwaarden van Get Interactive van toepassing.
Deze kunt u terug vinden op onze website http://www.getinteractive.nl/algemene-voorwaarden/.

Jody Garnett

On 12 September 2017 at 11:52, Pim Tebbens <p.tebbens@getinteractive.nl> wrote:

Hi Jody,

Did you check Google Spreadsheet list? I’ve put the links to the files there. The one page info sheets and brochure A4 and Letter size are provided. The eps files I provided should be editable, I made those in Adobe Illustrator. One page content files don’t need a dtp programs like InDesign. Brochure needs a program like InDesign or for instance a program like Scribus. Let go through the list during the meeting tomorrow.

With regards,

Pim Tebbens

Op 12 sep. 2017 om 20:29 heeft Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

Okay folks it is show time, please see tab-3 for the “Component 3: Print Marketing Collateral Creation”:

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Tab-3 provides a list of deliverables from the contract along with links to the google drive files, provided.

Just so we stay on task here is the description of component 3:

This activity involves creating print ready artwork (in ps, svg, psd etcetera as required) using the vector material created for Component 1, to be used to promote the foundation, its projects, initiatives and activities at events or distributed to educational institutions and other organizations for outreach. These materials are intended to provide easily digestible information about what OSGeo is and how it is relevant for GIS practitioners who may not be familiar with Open Source. These collateral items should be able to be modified and adapted by local organizations for their own purposes and in their own languages. The intention is that a local organization could download a packet of print ready artwork, modify it for their event or activity and send them to a local printer for production so should be in standard international sizes for ease of use.

Going over the list of links provided I notice some inconsistencies; think we are going to need to spend a bit of time hunting things down.

  • Letterhead / biz cards provided as EPS, not a template

  • Multi Page Brouchure A4 provided, not the most up to date Letter used for Boston

  • One Page Info - A4 provided, not Letter

  • Project - we have many examples

  • Foundation - we have a good a4 and letter example

  • Local Organization / Lab - we did not do one of these

  • Event - we wrote up text for foss4g but did not apply to template

  • Initiative - geoforall used as an example

  • Others? - we used osgeo-live as an example (is it a project or initiative? it is an other …)- Flyers - we did not do this one, EPS provided but not template

  • we used a one page osgeo handout instead due to printing cost- Printed Documentation Templates - this is pending

  • Booth Materials

  • Roll up banners - we have several examples spread over google drive folders

  • Back panel posters - eps provided, looks a bit dated, text inconsistent

  • Tablecloths - not sure we printed this one, EPS provided

  • Buttons, magnets, stickers - we have several examples spread over google drive folders and email- Horizontal banners - pim just provided now , not quite sure how these are used :slight_smile:

  • Outdoor signage - not provided, folder contains examples of how it looks not the actual sign

  • T-Shirt template - pdf provided, so not editable

  • Social media profile assets - provided, we have inconsistent sizing to consider between facebook, twitter, linkedin

The big theme is locating the content produced, for content that has been provided we often have it spread across several locations we need to gather up. In a few cases we only have a final PDF or EPS file.

  1. shared google drive folder used for this project


  1. delivery of large files via file transfer, and then staged in google drive print-ready folder for foss4ge and foss4g events


  1. github for files that have been reviewed and are shared with the community (in several cases these were not print-ready due to file size)


For content that needs to be adapted (such as letterhead or biz cards) I expect a template (indesign or whatever was used). Our community members have already shown the ability to migrate to scribus (or purchase indesign) as required.

Jody Garnett

Working is good; is there a time you can meet to review component 3
deliverables? You may also have more options to meet directly with Marc and

Astrid and Marc are you able to meet and review component 3 deliverables?

In today’s chat I was able to go through and review that all the files are there (thanks Pim), I changed the table structure to reflect what file formats are provided. For some content (example business cards) the “template” is in EPS relying on the ability of InkScape, Sketch, InDesign to important and edit.

Please see tab 3:​

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off

Next steps:

  • Copy content to github for access by our community (need a volunteer to do this)
  • We can either proceed with a single sign off provided by me? Not my preference but we can …
  • I would be far more comfortable if Marc and Astrid could confirm as they will be using this material more directly in providing content to OSGeo events.

On 19 September 2017 at 10:52, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Jody Garnett

Working is good; is there a time you can meet to review component 3 deliverables? You may also have more options to meet directly with Marc and Pim.

Astrid and Marc are you able to meet and review component 3 deliverables?

Hi Jody,

I do not have the access to the Google Dirve. Could you pass access to me?

It would be fine to have the files on github. This is where people expect them.

The de translations are done and are waiting to be integrated on github (file-names have to be defined)

I would volunteer to confirm the files on github. For suer Marc wold be great. Maybe Luca would be great too. And an english native speaker for review.


Am 2017-09-20 19:47, schrieb Jody Garnett:

In today's chat I was able to go through and review that all the files
are there (thanks Pim), I changed the table structure to reflect what
file formats are provided. For some content (example business cards)
the "template" is in EPS relying on the ability of InkScape, Sketch,
InDesign to important and edit.

Please see tab 3:​
OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off [1]​

Next steps:
- Copy content to github for access by our community (need a volunteer
to do this)
- We can either proceed with a single sign off provided by me? Not my
preference but we can ...
- I would be far more comfortable if Marc and Astrid could confirm as
they will be using this material more directly in providing content to
OSGeo events.

Jody Garnett
On 19 September 2017 at 10:52, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com>

Working is good; is there a time you can meet to review component
3 deliverables? You may also have more options to meet directly
with Marc and Pim.

Astrid and Marc are you able to meet and review component 3

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off - Google Sheets

Astrid Emde
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Astrid er al

For collateral


For style guides logos etc;


Kind regards,

Marc Vloemans

Op 21 sep. 2017 om 07:49 heeft Astrid Emde (OSGeo) <astrid_emde@osgeo.org> het volgende geschreven:

Hi Jody,

I do not have the access to the Google Dirve. Could you pass access to me?

It would be fine to have the files on github. This is where people expect them.

The de translations are done and are waiting to be integrated on github (file-names have to be defined)

I would volunteer to confirm the files on github. For suer Marc wold be great. Maybe Luca would be great too. And an english native speaker for review.


Am 2017-09-20 19:47, schrieb Jody Garnett:

In today’s chat I was able to go through and review that all the files

are there (thanks Pim), I changed the table structure to reflect what

file formats are provided. For some content (example business cards)

the “template” is in EPS relying on the ability of InkScape, Sketch,

InDesign to important and edit.

Please see tab 3:​

OSGeo - Project Delivery Sign-off [1]​

Next steps:

  • Copy content to github for access by our community (need a volunteer

to do this)

  • We can either proceed with a single sign off provided by me? Not my

preference but we can …

  • I would be far more comfortable if Marc and Astrid could confirm as

they will be using this material more directly in providing content to

OSGeo events.

Jody Garnett

On 19 September 2017 at 10:52, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com>


Working is good; is there a time you can meet to review component

3 deliverables? You may also have more options to meet directly

with Marc and Pim.

Astrid and Marc are you able to meet and review component 3





Astrid Emde
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Astrid we were going to pit things on GitHub when reviewed/approved so as not to make the repo larger (since all these files are rather big for GitHub).

I am sorry I have not had time to put items on GitHub myself, we need a bit of time with all the pieces (review, google drive, GitHub).


Jody Garnett

On 21 September 2017 at 07:49, Astrid Emde (OSGeo)
<astrid_emde@osgeo.org> wrote:

Hi Jody,

Hi all,

I would volunteer to confirm the files on github. For suer Marc wold be
great. Maybe Luca would be great too. And an english native speaker for

Sorry but during the last weeks I was really busy with some new duties
at home :slight_smile:
I will be really busy for other months after I hope to get more free
time, specially during night...


