[Marketing] Content for the website design project


Regarding your comment about an introduction to open source (and also other open GIS related topics e.a. financial benefits etc), I intend to put my recent Dutch 94-page publication ‘Open Source Inside’ on the Wiki. Various members of this list have promised to help me translate it piece-meal from Dutch to (acceptable) English.

I am finding to time to cut ‘n’ paste the relevant chapters into a OSGeo Wikipage, so individuals can translate different parts and review translated bits. The idea was to put each chapter/alinea into a box. The box next to it would provide the English version, the translator and date of work done. I am not a Wiki-champ, so perhaps you could provide me with advice how to make such boxes in the OSGeo Wiki?

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marc Vloemans
Algemeen nr 030 214 2081

Marc Vloemans wrote:

The idea was to put each chapter/alinea into a box. The box next to it would provide the English version, the translator and date of work done. I am not a Wiki-champ, so perhaps you could provide me with advice how to make such boxes in the OSGeo Wiki?


I'm afraid I'm not the most savvy wiki guy either! But I would like
to advise against doing it exactly this way. In my opinion boxes add a lot
of extra structure cruft in the wiki text making it quite a bit hard for
people to drop in and edit bits.

If you wanted an example of boxes, you could look at the main page which
Markus has invested the time in "boxing" to get a nice structure. But it
does make editing somewhat harder.

I would suggest just creating two pages - one in English and one in Dutch -
for each major section (perhaps Chapter?) and try to ensure that the
subsection titles are easily related. Then folks can put two browser windows
side by side and edit as needed.

I'm looking forward to the translation of your document!

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

Thanks Frank,

I will do it as you suggested; per chapter a page. This allows for a more coherent translation style per chapter as a fringe benefit. Hopefully throwing many eyeballs at the book bugs this way will get things done quickly and thoroughly.
Best regs, Marc

Met vriendelijke groet,

Marc Vloemans
Algemeen nr 030 214 2081

From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam@pobox.com]
To: Marc Vloemans [mailto:marcvloemans@b3partners.nl]
Cc: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Sent: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 18:38:40 +0100
Subject: Re: Content for the website design project

Marc Vloemans wrote:

The idea was to put each chapter/alinea into a box. The
box next to it would provide the English version, the translator and
date of work done. I am not a Wiki-champ, so perhaps you could provide
me with advice how to make such boxes in the OSGeo Wiki?


I’m afraid I’m not the most savvy wiki guy either! But I would like
to advise against doing it exactly this way. In my opinion boxes add a lot
of extra structure cruft in the wiki text making it quite a bit hard for
people to drop in and edit bits.

If you wanted an example of boxes, you could look at the main page which
Markus has invested the time in “boxing” to get a nice structure. But it
does make editing somewhat harder.

I would suggest just creating two pages - one in English and one in Dutch -
for each major section (perhaps Chapter?) and try to ensure that the
subsection titles are easily related. Then folks can put two browser windows
side by side and edit as needed.

I’m looking forward to the translation of your document!

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent