[Marketing] EGU General Assembly 2014: FOSS / OSGeo Townhall Meeting - Overview

Forwarding to OSGeo board list, as apparently Peter was blocked from sending to the list.

On 23/02/14 05:17, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

Dear OSGeo board, dear OSGeo marketing committee,
I'm forwarding the following info to you all about an opportunity to launch an OSGeo themed event within the EGU General Assembly, as suggested by Cameron Shorter. Feedback about the feasibility of funding for the event would be very welcome.
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 um 20:37 Uhr
*Von:* "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
*An:* "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe@gmx.de>, "Margherita Di Leo" <margherita.di-leo@jrc.ec.europa.eu>, jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com, "yann.chemin" <yann.chemin@gmail.com>, "Markus Neteler" <markus.neteler@fmach.it>, "Dominik Reusser" <reusser@pik-potsdam.de>, massimiliano.cannata@supsi.ch, "Helmut Kudrnovsky" <alectoria@gmx.at>, "Alessandro Frigeri" <alessandro.frigeri@iaps.inaf.it>, "Jens Klump" <jens.klump@gfz-potsdam.de>, "Jens Klump" <jklump@uni-bremen.de>, markus.metz.giswork@googlemail.com
*Betreff:* Re: EGU General Assembly 2014: FOSS / OSGeo Townhall Meeting - Overview
Hi Peter,
If ok with you, do you mind including board@lists.osgeo.org and marketing@lists.osgeo.org to the email CC list on this thread?
(If you wish sponsorship $$, then these communities need to see the proposal and vote on it).

This event looks like a valuable promotional opportunity for OSGeo. The question is whether it is more or less valuable than the many other opportunities. I refer you to consider the board priorities:
In particular: "Support initiatives which support themselves", and "Packaging and Marketing".
Sourcing a co-sponsor would be compelling, and noting that you will have numerous volunteers already attending the conference helps your case.

I note also that the marketing committee is mostly ineffective due to a lack of volunteers to support requests such as these. In particular, we are missing a process for approvals and distribution of funds. (This is a thinly veiled suggestion that you might wish to help out).

On 22/02/14 02:52, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

    Hi all,
    [cc: Cameron Shorter for the OSGEO Marketing Board]
    [cc: Jeff McKenna, OSGEO Prez]
    Thank you very much for all your feedback concerning the current
    discussion on options for FOSS/OSGeo meetings during the upcoming
    EGU General Assembly (Vienna, April 27 –May 2 2014).
    Here is an (exhaustive) update on the topic, based on past
    experience organising one Townhall and various Splinter Meetings
    in the past. Beware - this is a rather long posting.
    It boils down to two questions:
    - Do we want/need to raise awareness for OSGeo within EGU ?
    - Are we willing to invest about 1500 Euro / 2000 USD for a one
    hour reach-out event, which will pave the way to make OSGeo a
    stakeholder within EGU/AGU ?
    *Background Info:*
    *What is this European Geoscience Union (EGU) ?*
    EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier
    geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the
    geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit
    of humanity, worldwide. It was established in September 2002. It
    is a *non-profit international union of scientists* with over
    *12,500 members from all over the world*. Membership is open to
    individuals who are professionally engaged in or associated with
    geosciences and planetary and space sciences and related studies,
    including students and retired seniors.
    What is this *Americcan Geophysical Union (AGU) ?*
    [Wikipedia] The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a nonprofit
    organization of geophysicists
    <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geophysicist&gt;, consisting of over
    *62,000 members from 144 countries*. AGU's activities are focused
    on the organization and dissemination of scientific information in
    the interdisciplinary and international field of geophysics. The
    geophysical sciences involve four fundamental areas: atmospheric
    and ocean sciences; solid-Earth sciences; hydrologic sciences; and
    space sciences.
    *Researchers in the Geosciences can be members of either EGU or
    AGU *- a membership in one of the organisations allows to benefit
    from from both AGU and EGU offerings, including attending annual
    conferences like the EGU General Assembly. In a nutshell: *The EGU
    General Assembly is open to the 62,000 members of AGU as well. *
    *What is a EGU General Assembly ?*
    The annual EGU General Assembly is *the largest and most prominent
    European geosciences event*. It attracts *over 11,000 scientists*
    from all over the world, *of which more than a quarter are
    students.* The *meeting’s sessions*, typically *over 500*, cover a
    wide range of topics, including volcanology, planetary
    exploration, the Earth’s internal structure and atmosphere,
    climate, as well as energy and resources. General Assemblies have
    around *4,500 oral presentations* and *over 9,000 posters*. Aside
    from disciplinary sessions, dealing with the topics covered by
    each scientific division, the meeting also features Union-wide
    sessions such as great debates, Union symposia (including the EGU
    Awards Ceremony), medal lectures, short courses and education and
    outreach symposia.
    *What is a Townhall Meeting, what’s a Splinter Meeting* *?*
    Both types of Sessions are open (only) to EGU participants and be
    booked free of charge (*no cost for the venue!*).
    *Townhall Meetings* are *meetings open for all participants* in
    the conference. During these meetings new initiatives or decisions
    are announced to a larger audience following an open discussion on
    the matter. Townhall Meetings will be scheduled from Monday to
    Friday from 19:00 to 20:00 in the conference centre’s lecture
    rooms. *Townhall Meetings last 60 minutes in the evening, fit 50
    to 350 people, and are announce in the Information&Schedule Book. They attract large crowds, as they are staged in the evening
    after the scientific sessions. Usually people linger after the
    official ending of the Townhall to discuss the topics raised and
    to network. *During this informal part, *beverages* and *finger
    food* are consumed by the attendees (*this has to be funded *–
    more on this below).
    *Splinter Meetings* are *side meetings* on non-commercial purposes
    organized by participants. They can be organized during the course
    of the conference and they can be public or by invitation only.
    *Splinter Meetings last up to 90 minutes and are held during the
    day. Scientific sessions are held in parallel, which can prevent
    interested people from attending. They fit 36 to 60 people and are
    announced in the Programme (Information & Schedule Book) if booked
    *OSGeo related background:*
    *Since 2012*, there have been “*FOSS in Earth Sciences*” themed
    events at the EGU General assembly, hosted by *OSGeo/FOSS
    volunteers*. This started with an improvised Splinter Session
    which drew a surprisingly large crowd.
    References to OSGeo software can be spotted rather often every
    year during the poster sessions (> 9000 posters!). Last year we
    had the first session on FOSS in the Earth and Space Science
    Informatics (ESSI). *This year there will be two independent FOSS
    sessions *(ESSI and Hydrology). *This is a significant step
    ahead.* *By now, researchers can apply to attend the conference,
    to showcase the FOSS aspects of their work.* Before this,
    everything “FOSS” had to be relabelled/closeted since there was no
    recognition for this kind of scientific work.
    While we have two FOSS sessions this year, I strongly believe that
    *many people already doing FOSS-based research, or wanting to
    learn about OSGeo, have not been reached.*
    FWIW: ESR! and Microsoft Research usually have nifty booths at EGU.
    *Options for OSGeo:*

     1. We can opt to apply for a *Splinter Meeting on FOSS (GIS) in
        Earth Science* like in the past years. This will cause only
        moderate effort. We can structure the session as we like.
        There can be presentations, show&tell, discussions etc. This
        has been done before and it's fun. We will reach an audience
        of *30-50 people* (- in comparison to 11,167 attendees in
        2013). Since there are FOSS-related sessions, a FOSS-themed
        Splinter Meeting is logical, while *a Splinter Meeting title
        referring to OSGeo would be difficult to justify - until now
        OSGeo has not stepped forward within EGU*.
     2. We can apply for a *Townhall Meeting on OSGeo* *and its impact
        on Earth Science*. This will allow us to step forward and
        officially *put OSGeo on the map within EGU*. The Townhall
        could include presentations on what OSGeo is, why it’s
        significant for Earth Science, latest developments like
        OSGeoLive [option: *OSGeo-Live demo + OSGeoLive-DVDs as
        giveaways*], etc., making it a genuine reach out event.
        However, *this requires financial support and volunteers*:
         1. Putting the *Townhall programme* together would be a
            *collaborative effort by OSGeo volunteers* attending the
            conference. I am sure *we can easily put together an one
            hour show *from existing material + what OSGeo/FOSS people
            activists will showcase at the conference.
         2. The event *needs to be announced *before and during the
            conference. Since the FOSS/OSGeo attendees do their
            research in many different fields, *we should be able to
            reach out to a large interdisciplinary community*. While
            very large Townhalls draw over 350 people, *an expected
            size of 100 people* seems more realistic to start with
            (this is already twice the size of a Splinter Session). Reality check: In 2012, Alessandro Frigeri and myself were
            able to attract at least 40 people by putting up posters
            made in a copy shop two days ahead of the Splinter Session
            - geoscientists dig FOSS !.
         3. *Funding for OSGeo-Live DVDs*: The Townhall would need
            reliable funding for the production of OSGeo-Live-DVDs
            before the conference.
         4. *Funding for beverages/food*: Townhall sessions usally
            come with free “refreshments” (softdrinks, alcoholic
            beverages, finger food) for the attendees. The is only one
            company available for the catering:
             1. Their estimate for *limited catering* (water, beer,
                some wine. breadsticks) for *100 people* is about
                *1500 Euro (ca. 2000 USD).*
             2. A “*cash-bar“*, where the attendees (~100people) pay
                for themselves, costs about *1040 Euro (1450 USD)*
                 for labour wages and general effort.
             3. Theoretically, having a *Townhall “on a diet”* without
                any beverages or food would be *possible*, but is
                rather *unusual.*

    Thanks for reading through all of this!
    I hope this overview will help you all to come up with a
    "well-informed opinion". Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Hi Peter,
I'm surprised that board members haven't commented on your proposal. Your proposal is not a standard request and we don't have specific guidelines to go buy.
I think the closest is the Code Sprint Guidelines:

I expect you will have better luck if you can do a bit more ground work and provide:
1. A list of volunteers willing to help.
2. Source another sponsor, I expect that OSGeo would be able to provide matching funding.
3. Only request minimal funds from OSGeo. (Ie, it will be difficult for OSGeo to justify paying for a bar, and likely will question whether it should pay for food).
4. Once you have that in place, put a motion forward, that OSGeo should pay $XX for YY, which the board can then vote on.

On 04/03/14 03:51, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

Hi Cameron,
can you please give me a hint on how long the decision processes of the OSGeo usually take ? This is of course a classic case of RTFM - but I'm not sure where this info can be looked up. The planning for EGU is progressing and it would be sensible to request a a timeslot for the OSGeo townhall sooner than later.
Also, to request money from the marketing committee for the production of a stack of OSgeo Live DVDs for EGU - does a semi-formal E-mail request suffice ?
*Gesendet:* Sonntag, 23. Februar 2014 um 04:48 Uhr
*Von:* "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
*An:* "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe@gmx.de>, board@lists.osgeo.org, marketing@lists.osgeo.org
*Betreff:* Re: Aw: Re: EGU General Assembly 2014: FOSS / OSGeo Townhall Meeting - Overview
Forwarding to OSGeo board list, as apparently Peter was blocked from sending to the list.

On 23/02/14 05:17, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

    Dear OSGeo board, dear OSGeo marketing committee,
    I'm forwarding the following info to you all about an opportunity
    to launch an OSGeo themed event within the EGU General Assembly,
    as suggested by Cameron Shorter. Feedback about the feasibility of
    funding for the event would be very welcome.
    *Gesendet:* Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 um 20:37 Uhr
    *Von:* "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shorter@gmail.com>
    *An:* "Peter Löwe" <peter.loewe@gmx.de>, "Margherita Di Leo"
    jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com, "yann.chemin"
    <yann.chemin@gmail.com>, "Markus Neteler"
    <markus.neteler@fmach.it>, "Dominik Reusser"
    <reusser@pik-potsdam.de>, massimiliano.cannata@supsi.ch, "Helmut
    Kudrnovsky" <alectoria@gmx.at>, "Alessandro Frigeri"
    <alessandro.frigeri@iaps.inaf.it>, "Jens Klump"
    <jens.klump@gfz-potsdam.de>, "Jens Klump" <jklump@uni-bremen.de>,
    *Betreff:* Re: EGU General Assembly 2014: FOSS / OSGeo Townhall
    Meeting - Overview
    Hi Peter,
    If ok with you, do you mind including board@lists.osgeo.org and
    marketing@lists.osgeo.org to the email CC list on this thread?
    (If you wish sponsorship $$, then these communities need to see
    the proposal and vote on it).

    This event looks like a valuable promotional opportunity for
    OSGeo. The question is whether it is more or less valuable than
    the many other opportunities. I refer you to consider the board
    In particular: "Support initiatives which support themselves", and
    "Packaging and Marketing".
    Sourcing a co-sponsor would be compelling, and noting that you
    will have numerous volunteers already attending the conference
    helps your case.

    I note also that the marketing committee is mostly ineffective due
    to a lack of volunteers to support requests such as these. In
    particular, we are missing a process for approvals and
    distribution of funds. (This is a thinly veiled suggestion that
    you might wish to help out).

    On 22/02/14 02:52, "Peter Löwe" wrote:

        Hi all,
        [cc: Cameron Shorter for the OSGEO Marketing Board]
        [cc: Jeff McKenna, OSGEO Prez]
        Thank you very much for all your feedback concerning the
        current discussion on options for FOSS/OSGeo meetings during
        the upcoming EGU General Assembly (Vienna, April 27 –May 2 2014).
        Here is an (exhaustive) update on the topic, based on past
        experience organising one Townhall and various Splinter
        Meetings in the past. Beware - this is a rather long posting.
        It boils down to two questions:
        - Do we want/need to raise awareness for OSGeo within EGU ?
        - Are we willing to invest about 1500 Euro / 2000 USD for a
        one hour reach-out event, which will pave the way to make
        OSGeo a stakeholder within EGU/AGU ?
        *Background Info:*
        *What is this European Geoscience Union (EGU) ?*
        EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier
        geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in
        the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the
        benefit of humanity, worldwide. It was established in
        September 2002. It is a *non-profit international union of
        scientists* with over *12,500 members from all over the
        world*. Membership is open to individuals who are
        professionally engaged in or associated with geosciences and
        planetary and space sciences and related studies, including
        students and retired seniors.
        What is this *Americcan Geophysical Union (AGU) ?*
        [Wikipedia] The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a
        nonprofit organization of geophysicists
        <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geophysicist&gt;, consisting of
        over *62,000 members from 144 countries*. AGU's activities are
        focused on the organization and dissemination of scientific
        information in the interdisciplinary and international field
        of geophysics. The geophysical sciences involve four
        fundamental areas: atmospheric and ocean sciences; solid-Earth
        sciences; hydrologic sciences; and space sciences.
        *Researchers in the Geosciences can be members of either EGU
        or AGU *- a membership in one of the organisations allows to
        benefit from from both AGU and EGU offerings, including
        attending annual conferences like the EGU General Assembly. In
        a nutshell: *The EGU General Assembly is open to the 62,000
        members of AGU as well. *
        *What is a EGU General Assembly ?*
        The annual EGU General Assembly is *the largest and most
        prominent European geosciences event*. It attracts *over
        11,000 scientists* from all over the world, *of which more
        than a quarter are students.* The *meeting’s sessions*,
        typically *over 500*, cover a wide range of topics, including
        volcanology, planetary exploration, the Earth’s internal
        structure and atmosphere, climate, as well as energy and
        resources. General Assemblies have around *4,500 oral
        presentations* and *over 9,000 posters*. Aside from
        disciplinary sessions, dealing with the topics covered by each
        scientific division, the meeting also features Union-wide
        sessions such as great debates, Union symposia (including the
        EGU Awards Ceremony), medal lectures, short courses and
        education and outreach symposia.
        *What is a Townhall Meeting, what’s a Splinter Meeting* *?*
        Both types of Sessions are open (only) to EGU participants and
        be booked free of charge (*no cost for the venue!*).
        *Townhall Meetings* are *meetings open for all participants*
        in the conference. During these meetings new initiatives or
        decisions are announced to a larger audience following an open
        discussion on the matter. Townhall Meetings will be scheduled
        from Monday to Friday from 19:00 to 20:00 in the conference
        centre’s lecture rooms. *Townhall Meetings last 60 minutes in
        the evening, fit 50 to 350 people, and are announce in the
        Information&Schedule Book. They attract large crowds, as
        they are staged in the evening after the scientific sessions.
        Usually people linger after the official ending of the
        Townhall to discuss the topics raised and to network. *During
        this informal part, *beverages* and *finger food* are consumed
        by the attendees (*this has to be funded *– more on this below).
        *Splinter Meetings* are *side meetings* on non-commercial
        purposes organized by participants. They can be organized
        during the course of the conference and they can be public or
        by invitation only. *Splinter Meetings last up to 90 minutes
        and are held during the day. Scientific sessions are held in
        parallel, which can prevent interested people from attending.
        They fit 36 to 60 people and are announced in the Programme
        (Information & Schedule Book) if booked early.*
        *OSGeo related background:*
        *Since 2012*, there have been “*FOSS in Earth Sciences*”
        themed events at the EGU General assembly, hosted by
        *OSGeo/FOSS volunteers*. This started with an improvised
        Splinter Session which drew a surprisingly large crowd.
        References to OSGeo software can be spotted rather often every
        year during the poster sessions (> 9000 posters!). Last year
        we had the first session on FOSS in the Earth and Space
        Science Informatics (ESSI). *This year there will be two
        independent FOSS sessions *(ESSI and Hydrology). *This is a
        significant step ahead.* *By now, researchers can apply to
        attend the conference, to showcase the FOSS aspects of their
        work.* Before this, everything “FOSS” had to be
        relabelled/closeted since there was no recognition for this
        kind of scientific work.
        While we have two FOSS sessions this year, I strongly believe
        that *many people already doing FOSS-based research, or
        wanting to learn about OSGeo, have not been reached.*
        FWIW: ESR! and Microsoft Research usually have nifty booths at
        *Options for OSGeo:*

         1. We can opt to apply for a *Splinter Meeting on FOSS (GIS)
            in Earth Science* like in the past years. This will cause
            only moderate effort. We can structure the session as we
            like. There can be presentations, show&tell, discussions
            etc. This has been done before and it's fun. We will reach
            an audience of *30-50 people* (- in comparison to 11,167
            attendees in 2013). Since there are FOSS-related sessions,
            a FOSS-themed Splinter Meeting is logical, while *a
            Splinter Meeting title referring to OSGeo would be
            difficult to justify - until now OSGeo has not stepped
            forward within EGU*.
         2. We can apply for a *Townhall Meeting on OSGeo* *and its
            impact on Earth Science*. This will allow us to step
            forward and officially *put OSGeo on the map within EGU*.
            The Townhall could include presentations on what OSGeo is,
            why it’s significant for Earth Science, latest
            developments like OSGeoLive [option: *OSGeo-Live demo +
            OSGeoLive-DVDs as giveaways*], etc., making it a genuine
            reach out event. However, *this requires financial support
            and volunteers*:
             1. Putting the *Townhall programme* together would be a
                *collaborative effort by OSGeo volunteers* attending
                the conference. I am sure *we can easily put together
                an one hour show *from existing material + what
                OSGeo/FOSS people activists will showcase at the
             2. The event *needs to be announced *before and during
                the conference. Since the FOSS/OSGeo attendees do
                their research in many different fields, *we should be
                able to reach out to a large interdisciplinary
                community*. While very large Townhalls draw over 350
                people, *an expected size of 100 people* seems more
                realistic to start with (this is already twice the
                size of a Splinter Session). Reality check: In 2012,
                Alessandro Frigeri and myself were able to attract at
                least 40 people by putting up posters made in a copy
                shop two days ahead of the Splinter Session -
                geoscientists dig FOSS !.
             3. *Funding for OSGeo-Live DVDs*: The Townhall would need
                reliable funding for the production of OSGeo-Live-DVDs
                before the conference.
             4. *Funding for beverages/food*: Townhall sessions
                usally come with free “refreshments” (softdrinks,
                alcoholic beverages, finger food) for the attendees.
                The is only one company available for the catering:
                 1. Their estimate for *limited catering* (water,
                    beer, some wine. breadsticks) for *100 people* is
                    about *1500 Euro (ca. 2000 USD).*
                 2. A “*cash-bar“*, where the attendees (~100people)
                    pay for themselves, costs about *1040 Euro (1450
                    USD)* for labour wages and general effort.
                 3. Theoretically, having a *Townhall “on a diet”*
                    without any beverages or food would be *possible*,
                    but is rather *unusual.*

        Thanks for reading through all of this!
        I hope this overview will help you all to come up with a
        "well-informed opinion". Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, Wwww.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099