[Marketing] EOI evaluation meeting planning


I have sent you the doodle poll admin details so you can choose an appropriate time slot this week, it looks like we now have enough of a response to run a meeting on thursday or friday. You may even wish to choose both days.

(If anyone else would like to participate the link is here)

I have not been able to tell from email if we now have access to the EOI submissions? You may need to chose a date after obtaining them from Jachym.


Jody Garnett

Hi All,

We received 3 responses to the EOI. Jody has them and will share
privately with the committee members.

Based on the doodle, lets fix this time for our meeting (Thursday 1700
UTC). Ill send out an invite separately.

Looking forward to discussing!


On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 12:29 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:


I have sent you the doodle poll admin details so you can choose an
appropriate time slot this week, it looks like we now have enough of a
response to run a meeting on thursday or friday. You may even wish to choose
both days.

(If anyone else would like to participate the link is here)

I have not been able to tell from email if we now have access to the EOI
submissions? You may need to chose a date after obtaining them from Jachym.
Jody Garnett