[Marketing] Exploring opportunities for OSGEO contributions to the GSDI Regional SDI Newsletters

Hi All.

I am writing to explore potential for collaboration with OSGEO to obtain news and other SDI related content, for inclusion in the regional monthly newsletters published by the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association http://www.gsdi.org/.

Each month, three regional newsletters are published by the GSDI, for Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America and the . The aim of the publication is to collate and share information relevant to folks interested in SDI in these regions. The Centre for SDI and Land Administration at has recently taken on the production of the AP newsletter and I have been asked to act as editor.

In the past, the SDI newsletters have attempted to cover a broad spectrum of geospatial news – projects, data, events, technology, applications, grants, jobs etc. We are currently reviewing the AP newsletter focus, style, content and content collection process, with an aim of obtaining more SDI-focused material that more directly supports the goals of the GSDI.

In order to provide some context to news items, I would like to include more editorial and opinions and thus provide a picture of what goes on “under the hood” of SDI/web mapping. A URL to a web mapping application is useful to communicate what is being done but providing additional information that broadly describes the how would be really useful. The target audience for the newsletters are those in the AP region trying to build towards SDIs so the under the hood view is crucial to them.

Several ideas for the new look newsletter are:

  • to develop regular features from key communities e.g. OGC round-up, Open source round-up, possibly UN

  • a series of thematic features e.g. what is GML and why is it important in context of SDI, coordination mechanisms/governance of SDI, an SOA primer etc. The aim of these would be to assist colleagues in developing nations to navigate the complex SDI landscape and conceptually stitch together the different technology and other components of an SDI.

  • National SDI round-up – spotlight on specific countries with an update of activities, achievements, issues, challenges

As the OSGEO community plays such a key enabling role in SDI implementation, I wanted to explore ideas with you as to how best to interface with your community to obtain content. Currently, the editors simply trawl the web, monitoring certain sites and filtering RSS feeds. There is currently very little content actively submitted by contributors at least in the Asia Pacific region.

In the next issue of the AP newsletter, available at http://www.gsdi.org/newsletters.asp from April 1, I have pulled together a few OSGEO news items. FYI, the newsletter contains an article on an SDI for in built using open source s/w that could be a useful case study. press release http://www.hindu.com/2008/02/17/stories/2008021750750200.htm - project site - http://www.edugrid.ac.in/webgis/webgis.htm

Given the importance of the OSEO community, particularly in developing nations that are turning to open source geospatial solutions, I wanted to explore ways in which your community could communicate key messages/issues/developments to the broader (and largely less technically-minded) community.

Specifically I would be interested in exploring possibility of OSGEO:

  • Provision of a regular feature monthly/quarterly from OSGEO on trends/themes/issues in your space, with pointers to relevant resources

  • Contribution of thematic features article and or op/ed contributions

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the above and am pretty open to ideas.



Paul Box
Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration
Department of Geomatics
The University of Melbourne

On 27-Mar-08, at 6:42 PM, Paul Box wrote:

Specifically I would be interested in exploring possibility of OSGEO:

- Provision of a regular feature monthly/quarterly from OSGEO on trends/themes/issues in your space, with pointers to relevant resources

- Contribution of thematic features article and or op/ed contributions

Dear Paul,
Sorry for not getting back to your earlier note to me - thank you for writing again. I think we can help each other in some fairly straightforward ways. I'm familiar with your newsletter and always quite impressed with the volume of information that was available to be shared.

Are you already familiar with the OSGeo Journal (http://osgeo.org/journal)? We just started it last year and we collect mostly community contributed content. We can discuss sharing content with you - e.g. you could reprint articles - and we could include any article length pieces you have into ours. Of course we are focused on open source software, but we also make room for topical/thematic (and even programming level) articles. It is primarily an education forum and community tool for keeping people up to date.

Obviously some SDI focused thematic articles would be more than welcome in the Journal.

One thing that I also am aiming for with the Journal is to have a more "newsletter" feel for certain parts. This would be more along the line of your quarterly update on "trends/themes/issues" idea. This hasn't been done, simply due to lack of writers, but it is becoming more important so I will be trying to seriously make it happen.

Do you think this would suit your needs? Any common concepts you see would be welcome.


Hi Tyler,

As you suggest, the sharing of articles between publications is a good start
and I will certainly include links to the most relevant articles and to the
journal itself and you would be welcome to re-produce articles from the SDI
newsletters. We are a little constrained by the current PDF format of the
newsletter in terms of article length but we can include summaries of longer
article posted on your site.

In terms of planed OSGEO themes/issues articles, do you have any
themes/issues in mind? Perhaps we could come up with several themes issues
and try to find folks from in and outside of the OSGEO community to pull
them together. Some examples of the kinds of themes that I feel would be
useful to the neophyte SDI community include:
.. An xml focused overview - looking at the role of XML GML, and KML
etc with XML GML (how its used in a couple of applications) focus on the
practical issues of data conversion from RDMS to XML might be useful
.. Role of OSGEO in building an SDI Possible - OSGEO stack for SDI
.. Relationship between OSGEO and open standards

Not sure that this type of basic, educationally-focused content would be
consistent with the OSGEO journal readership. Happy to discuss ways we in
which we could try and work on this collectively.



-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tmitchell.osgeo@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Tyler
Mitchell (OSGeo)
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 13:47
To: Paul Box
Cc: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Marketing] Exploring opportunities for OSGEO contributions
to the GSDI Regional SDI Newsletters

On 27-Mar-08, at 6:42 PM, Paul Box wrote:
> Specifically I would be interested in exploring possibility of OSGEO:
> - Provision of a regular feature monthly/quarterly from
> OSGEO on trends/themes/issues in your space, with pointers to
> relevant resources
> - Contribution of thematic features article and or op/ed
> contributions
Dear Paul,
Sorry for not getting back to your earlier note to me - thank you for
writing again. I think we can help each other in some fairly
straightforward ways. I'm familiar with your newsletter and always
quite impressed with the volume of information that was available to
be shared.

Are you already familiar with the OSGeo Journal (http://osgeo.org/
journal)? We just started it last year and we collect mostly
community contributed content. We can discuss sharing content with
you - e.g. you could reprint articles - and we could include any
article length pieces you have into ours. Of course we are focused
on open source software, but we also make room for topical/thematic
(and even programming level) articles. It is primarily an education
forum and community tool for keeping people up to date.

Obviously some SDI focused thematic articles would be more than
welcome in the Journal.

One thing that I also am aiming for with the Journal is to have a
more "newsletter" feel for certain parts. This would be more along
the line of your quarterly update on "trends/themes/issues" idea.
This hasn't been done, simply due to lack of writers, but it is
becoming more important so I will be trying to seriously make it happen.

Do you think this would suit your needs? Any common concepts you see
would be welcome.
