[Marketing] FIG and PEJUTA invite you to the first FIG Congress in Asia

Hello Claudia,
I'm writing on behalf of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) [1] marketing committee.

I have been asked whether OSGeo will be represented at the FIG conference to present on the breadth of Open Source Geospatial Software available to GIS users.
We often do provide such speakers to conferences, often as VIPs or keynotes, and can do so for FIG at no cost to FIG. Is this of interest?

Note, in return, we would expect the speaker to be able to attend their speaking session at no cost to the speaker.

[1] http://osgeo.org

On 13/09/2013 10:34 PM, Claudia Stormoen Pedersen wrote:

In my previous email I postulated that the FIG Congress will be held in the Asia Pacific Region for the first time. This is not correct -- the FIG Congress has twice been held in Australia; in 2010 in Sydney and in 1994 in Melbourne. I apologise, my geography should have been better, I suppose that sometimes I need some help from surveyors!

Please find the correct email below -- hopefully without any further errors.

Enjoy your weekend




*Dear Friend and Colleague,*

It is our great pleasure and honor to invite you and your colleagues to attend the *XXV International Congress *which will take place at *3.153889000°N 101.713056000°E *from 16 to 21 June 2014. It is the first time the FIG Congress will be held in Asia, and the silver jubilee Congress will be a culmination of the four-year FIG Work Plan as well as the start of a new 4 year term with a new FIG President who will be elected at the General Assembly. Do not miss this grand celebration.

The overall theme of the Congress is "*Engaging the Challenges -- Enhancing the Relevance*", within the context of the work plan.There is a specific reason for choosing this theme. A wise man once remarked, "In every Failure, therein lies the Seed of Achievement'"; we share the opinion that "In every Challenge, therein lies the Seed of Enhancing Relevance" for Surveyors across the globe, who have been diligently enhancing skills and knowledge, whilst exploring new technological platforms to deliver quality services, and contributing to the nation building success of their respective countries.

*Call for papers -- peer review papers and non-peer review papers*

The technical programme includes a broad professional and scientific programme offering around 700 presentations in more than 100 technical sessions in a four-day programme. The programme will offer both specially invited high profile presentations and papers that are selected through the open call for papers procedure.

The Call for Papers is open for both *peer review* and *non-peer review* submissions. FIG Congress 2014 will gather international practitioners and academics from different cultural backgrounds, diverse surveying traditions, varying professional experiences and multi-professional disciplines.

Invitation and full call for paper: www.fig.net/fig2014/downloads/call_for_papers_fig2014.pdf <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/downloads/call_for_papers_fig2014.pdf&gt;

Important deadlines for papers: www.fig.net/fig2014/dates.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/dates.htm&gt;

Submit your abstract: www.fig.net/fig2014/submission.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/submission.htm&gt;

Final deadline for submitting abstract and full paper is *1 November 2013* if you would like to have your paper reviewed by two independent, professional FIG reviewers in a blinded peer review process. Papers should be submitted at fig@fig.net <mailto:fig@fig.net>. The deadline for submitting your non-peer review abstract is *1 December 2013*.

*Exhibition - **a valuable opportunity to strengthen your organisation's exposure to your key target markets*

A comprehensive trade exhibition will run concurrently with the FIG Congress, from 17-19 June 2014 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Sponsors and exhibitors representing relevant professional businesses and organisations are invited to participate and showcase their products and services.

A range of sponsorship packages and exhibitor options are available at different commitment levels, and are tailored to suit your marketing strategy.

For more information about the various sponsorships and exhibition opportunities please visit: www.fig.net/fig2014/exhibition_opportunities.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/exhibition_opportunities.htm&gt;

If you are interested please contactClaudia Stormoen, email: claudia.stormoen@fig.net <mailto:claudia.stormoen@fig.net>

Platinum sponsors of the Congress are Trimble and Esri, and primary supporter is Malaysia Convention and Exhibition Bureau.



Invitation: www.fig.net/fig2014/invitation.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/invitation.htm&gt;



Sight seeing in Kuala Lumpur? www.fig.net/fig2014/kl.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/kl.htm&gt;


Accommodation: www.fig.net/fig2014/accommodation.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/accommodation.htm&gt;



Venue: www.fig.net/fig2014/venue.htm <http://www.fig.net/fig2014/venue.htm&gt;

* Meet us at...*


FIG is pleased to welcome you on *booth C2.013 Hall 2* at INTERGEO 2013 in Essen, Germany, 8-10 October, 2013.

Come by and have a chat with FIG and the Local Organizing Committee from Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, PEJUTA!

We look forward to meeting you.


*Social Media -- follow the preparations of the Congress at *****

You can also meet us on the social media. Hashtag for the FIG Congress is #FIG2014. You can find us at:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/internationalfederationofsurveyors <http://www.facebook.com/internationalfederationofsurveyors&gt;

Twitter: @FIG_News

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2669121&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr <http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2669121&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr&gt;

Start to follow already today!

We look very much for to this congress and together with the exhibition and a combination of side events and social functions, the XXV FIG Congress in Kuala Lumpur should be of interest to participants from all over the world and will be a memorable experience. For further information, visit the congress web site: www.fig.net/fig2014 <http://www.fig.net/fig2014&gt;\. __




Spread the word.. We look forward to meeting you in Kuala Lumpur!

Kind regards,

*Claudia Stormoen*
FIG Office and Event Coordinator

Description: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: cid:image001.jpg@01CC1EEC.0552F660

International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres
Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure

International Federation of Surveyors
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel: + 45 3318 5505
Fax: + 45 3886 0252
claudia.stormoen@fig.net <mailto:claudia.stormoen@fig.net>
www.fig.net <http://www.fig.net/&gt;

Description: Beskrivelse: 2014_logo_simple_150
*FIG Congress 2014 -- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-21 June 2014*
Web site: www.fig.net/fig2014 <http://www.fig.net/fig2014&gt;

Description: FIG_Sofia_2015_logo_200

*FIG Working Week 2015 -- Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 22, 2015*

Web site: www.fig.net/fig2015 <http://www.fig.net/fig2015&gt;

Subscribe monthly FIG e-Newsletter at: www.fig.net/pub/subscriptions/getnewsletter.htm <http://www.fig.net/pub/subscriptions/getnewsletter.htm&gt;
Join FIG at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2669121&trk=group-name
Join FIG at Twitter:https://twitter.com/FIG_NEWS
Join FIG at Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/#!/internationalfederationofsurveyors <https://www.facebook.com/#!/internationalfederationofsurveyors&gt;

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099