[Marketing] FOSS4G Marketing and information for Press

Hi All,
Torsten Brassat has mailed the FOSS4G information by Gavin[1] circulated by Frank on OSGeo Discuss to a selection of media. We have added the list to the OSGeo Wiki:

We might want to (sparingly) reuse this list whenever we feel that important information needs to be circulated to the broader geospatial media. If you have a chance please synchronize this one with your lists (ideally adding names) and forward the information to your contacts.

Following up on what we discussed in our IRC meeting we should start to put together a communication page similar to the one used by FOSS4G 2007, it has been started here for 2008:

Best regards, Arnulf.

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/announce/2008-April/000080.html

On a related note, I edit a column on behalf of OSGeo for GeoConnexions
magazine dedicated to Open Source topics. If someone was interested in
trying to come up with a column of material to indirectly promote the
conference, I'd be happy to work with them on that (and adjust our
publication schedule as needed, too).

Background info on the wiki:


-----Original Message-----
From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Arnulf Christl
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 7:04 AM
To: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Cc: foss4g2008loc@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Marketing] FOSS4G Marketing and information for Press

Hi All,
Torsten Brassat has mailed the FOSS4G information by Gavin[1]
circulated by Frank on OSGeo Discuss to a selection of media.
We have added the list to the OSGeo Wiki:

We might want to (sparingly) reuse this list whenever we feel
that important information needs to be circulated to the
broader geospatial media. If you have a chance please
synchronize this one with your lists (ideally adding names)
and forward the information to your contacts.

Following up on what we discussed in our IRC meeting we
should start to put together a communication page similar to
the one used by FOSS4G 2007, it has been started here for 2008:

Best regards,

[1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/announce/2008-April/000080.html
Marketing mailing list

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Arnulf Christl
<arnulf.christl@wheregroup.com> wrote:

Hi All,
Torsten Brassat has mailed the FOSS4G information by Gavin[1] circulated by
Frank on OSGeo Discuss to a selection of media. We have added the list to
the OSGeo Wiki:

I have taken liberty to merge things and create a single template:

Include in a Wiki page as
{{Template:Industry Event Calendars}}
