[Marketing] FOSS4G NA OSGeo Booth


FOSS4G will be setting up a small OSGeo booth,
Whe have a couple of questions:

Question 1:

Diamond: QFieldCloud
Platinum: Camp to Camp, GeoCat

There is a rollup banner design (probably an example)

But it does not show the position of Diamond and Platinum sponsors logos

We also have some specific flyers that we would like to have on the booth that are listed
on the one-page-info,


Yet again, they do not show the appropriate position of the Diamond and Platinum sponsors within the flyer.

Question 2:
(Please correct any assumption we make)

This falls under the marketing budget, we think, based on that assumption, If we take the task of printing the material, to avoid shipping costs (and delay problems), do we get reimbursement?

Question 3:
Similar question about the budget for OSGeoLive USB sticks, OSGeo stickers.


Vicky Vergara


Question 1:

I think we can look to prior examples where this was done. I know my own copy of these materials from Boston foss4g had the logos on on the back page of the multi-page flyer. Fairly small.

I think we will have to look at the logos to include each year and identify where the go on the banner/flyer (usually on a white section to respect logo guidelines).

As an example see the last page of https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/marketing/print/brochure/eu/osgeo-brochure-eu-final.pdf

Question 2 / Question 3:

The marketing committee does support regional events with marketing materials. Usually a request comes in from the regional conference committee.

Aside:I wonder if we could do something smart like decals so the same banner could be reused multiple years without having to be completely reprinted.


Jody Garnett

Hi Jody

Please let me know if I understand your answer.


Question 1:

I think we can look to prior examples where this was done. I know my own copy of these materials from Boston foss4g had the logos on on the back page of the multi-page flyer. Fairly small.

I think we will have to look at the logos to include each year and identify where the go on the banner/flyer (usually on a white section to respect logo guidelines).

As an example see the last page of https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/marketing/print/brochure/eu/osgeo-brochure-eu-final.pdf

I see them, indeed at the end of the brochure.

Question 2 / Question 3:

The marketing committee does support regional events with marketing materials. Usually a request comes in from the regional conference committee.

Then the process will be:

A request from Guido to the marketing committee that includes

  • The pages of the brochures that the marketing committee needs to prepare for us.

  • The rollup banner

  • The up to date decals with the OSGeo sponsors, so that the banner can be used in other years.

  • The number of USB that are needed

And the marketing committee will have that delivered to us.

So the next question is, how long will it take for the marketing committee to deliver the above items?


Jody Garnett

The decal idea is only an idea do you think it is a good one? I would plan to have a banner printed just in case.

I am not sure what the process is, I hope Astrid will answer also.

(Sorry I have not been very active here I was just answering about the branding question)



Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

I think it is a good idea.


Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett