[Marketing] FOSS4G press release #2

Hi all, we invite you to have a look to the second press release[1].
Please feel free to comment for changes
I would like to ask to contribute ASAP as we want to publish the press release for the beginning of the next week.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010_Press_Release_2

thanks Lorenzo -

I provide my review directly on the wiki page (just minor tweaks on the form, rather than the content).



2009/12/10 Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo@ominiverdi.com>

Hi all, we invite you to have a look to the second press release[1].
Please feel free to comment for changes
I would like to ask to contribute ASAP as we want to publish the press release for the beginning of the next week.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010_Press_Release_2

Marketing mailing list

Press release has core elements in place, but I have a few suggestions:

Be very aware that the more words that you write, the less will be read, so be very concise with everything you write. Your use of headings works well, make sure you have HTML formatting turned on in emails so that they are visible.

In your press release wiki, include the title. The majority of readers will only read the title of the email, then delete the email, so make sure your title is good, and it is included into your wiki so that it can be reviewed.

If you get past the title, the first sentence needs to be compelling, and sum up the one point you wish to tell people.

I suggest showing the titles in the order Intro/FOSS4G/OSGeo, rather than the other way around.

I suggest in FOSS4G including what you would expect to see at FOSS4G:
Maybe something like: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Relehttp://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Release_37#About_FOSS4Gase_37#About_FOSS4G

For later press releases, I suggest that you line up the key foss4g events. In particular:

  • The WMS Shootout. Ask Andrea Aime / Jeff McKenna if they will ensure that the Shootout will happen again and if they can take ownership of it.

  • The Live DVD (make sure you budget to have the LiveDVD inserted into each satchel). I’m prepared to commit to ensuring that the LiveDVD will be ready, if you budget for it.

  • Talk about filming all FOSS4G sessions. Make sure it is budgeted for. Andrew Ross (FOSSLC) organised the filming of 2009, and I suggest asking him to coordinate 2010.

  • The CCIP and OGC. Have you got commitment from someone to drive this for 2010? Ideally, tie in with INSPIRE.

Regarding Translating:

  • We have a list of translators who helped out with translating 2009 press releases. I’ll send Lorenzo details. For the major press releases which we needed translating, we needed to give the translators a week to complete the translations.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:42 PM, Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo@ominiverdi.com> wrote:

Hi all, we invite you to have a look to the second press release[1].
Please feel free to comment for changes
I would like to ask to contribute ASAP as we want to publish the press release for the beginning of the next week.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010_Press_Release_2

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Cameron Shorter
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