[Marketing] geocat sponsorship of website/branding reboot

I would like to thank GeoCat for their generous sponsorship! It means a lot that sponsorship is coming in at this time prior to the RFP stage - this gives everyone involved confidence that we can negotiate with out disrupting other foundation commitments.

This is a $2000 USD sponsorship:

$2000 USD or more will be thanked in each blog post, status update and presentation sent to the community.

I have added GeoCat name and logo to the website (for use by vendors in design/mockups).


Jody Garnett

Just a reminder that we need to thank sponsors of $2000 or more in each blog post to our community (and also we owe geocat a blog post their support - perhaps http://www.osgeo.org/press/2017/GeoCatSponsorship covers it)


On 7 February 2017 at 14:36, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to thank GeoCat for their generous sponsorship! It means a lot that sponsorship is coming in at this time prior to the RFP stage - this gives everyone involved confidence that we can negotiate with out disrupting other foundation commitments.

This is a $2000 USD sponsorship:

$2000 USD or more will be thanked in each blog post, status update and presentation sent to the community.

I have added GeoCat name and logo to the website (for use by vendors in design/mockups).

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett