[Marketing] GeoTec 2008

Dear Marketing Committee,

Per http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Event_Management I have created a very
brief initial page about OSGeo attendance at the GeoTec 2008 conference:


I anticipate the OSGeo Ottawa chapter and perhaps some other Canadians who
plan to attend doing most of the ground work. From "OSGeo Central" we might
want some pre-printed fliers, etc, and perhaps a few shirts for volunteers.

I'm not really willing to be event owner, but perhaps at our Dec OSGeo
Ottawa meeting we can work that out.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Dear Marketing Committee,

Per http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Event_Management I have created a very
brief initial page about OSGeo attendance at the GeoTec 2008 conference:


I anticipate the OSGeo Ottawa chapter and perhaps some other Canadians who
plan to attend doing most of the ground work. From "OSGeo Central" we might
want some pre-printed fliers, etc, and perhaps a few shirts for volunteers.

I'm not really willing to be event owner, but perhaps at our Dec OSGeo
Ottawa meeting we can work that out.

Best regards,

Hi Frank,
thank you for the submission. Until we have no event owner the category would usually first be [[Category:Proposed Events]] and be changed into [[Category:Events]] when we have nailed down an event owner.

Jeff, could you please read the Wiki page describing what the event owner's job is and tell this list whether it is any good? (I don't give a link on purpose, the first hurdle is to find that page...) If that page is daunting and makes people shy away we should edit it to look more friendly.

If you are happy with it, could you consider becoming the event owner for GeoTec 2008? Its not a big job really, regardless of what that page says. The main point is that we would like to have one central point of contact.

I like readable links like "FOSSGIS 2008" better than "FOSSGIS2008". What do you think?

Best regards,

Dear Marketing Committee,

To get started on the Marketing plan it is important the some key concepts are refined. For that reason I have added some *suggestions* (http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_Mission) for the:

* Mission;
* Vision;
* Values and
* Listed the components of the SWOT.

Of course they need to be improved, but I can only do this with the help of the committee.
So I suggest the *10th of December 2007* as a *Deadline* for refining these (two weeks from now).


/*Note:* This will help Birgit's work... and make things faster./