[Marketing] github

In response to some of the discussion with Cameron I have joined the live.osgeo.org email list to help see if we can update the branding as it becomes available.

So far the idea has been well received, and Pim has been great sending over SVG logos today (for OSGeo, OSGeo Live, OSGeo Projects and OSGeo Community Projects).

I would like a place to put these that is not https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/

Are we ready to have https://github.com/osgeo/marketing ?


Jody Garnett

To move from SVN to Git seems like a reasonable 21st century step.
Whether GitHub shoudl nbe the hosting providere is a different question.

On our side of the Atlantic we have for instance Planio: https://plan.io/
Under European (German) law, which tends to be more privacy friendly than US law.
According to the website they do both SVN and Git (and a wireframe solution as well!)



Jody Garnett schreef op 20-06-2017 0:31:

In response to some of the discussion with Cameron I have joined the
live.osgeo.org [1] email list to help see if we can update the
branding as it becomes available.

So far the idea has been well received, and Pim has been great sending
over SVG logos today (for OSGeo, OSGeo Live, OSGeo Projects and OSGeo
Community Projects).

I would like a place to put these that is not

Are we ready to have https://github.com/osgeo/marketing ?

Jody Garnett

[1] http://live.osgeo.org
Marketing mailing list

I was going with our existing public GitHub; which is kind of assumed in North American programming culture (even if you have your own infrastructure you set up a mirror on GitHub for outreach).

We could also use drive (I hate it for files) or Dropbox given that this is a marketting committee and not a software project.

On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 3:58 AM Gert-Jan van der Weijden (OSGeo.nl) <gert-jan@osgeo.nl> wrote:

To move from SVN to Git seems like a reasonable 21st century step.
Whether GitHub shoudl nbe the hosting providere is a different question.

On our side of the Atlantic we have for instance Planio:
Under European (German) law, which tends to be more privacy friendly
than US law.
According to the website they do both SVN and Git (and a wireframe
solution as well!)



Jody Garnett schreef op 20-06-2017 0:31:

In response to some of the discussion with Cameron I have joined the
live.osgeo.org [1] email list to help see if we can update the
branding as it becomes available.

So far the idea has been well received, and Pim has been great sending
over SVG logos today (for OSGeo, OSGeo Live, OSGeo Projects and OSGeo
Community Projects).

I would like a place to put these that is not

Are we ready to have https://github.com/osgeo/marketing ?

Jody Garnett


[1] http://live.osgeo.org

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett