[Marketing] GRASS poster


Markus Neteler advised me to post my poster preview here. Please find enclosed a draft of graphic design for GRASS poster (for users). You could download it in print resolution pdf format from the link below the preview.


It is a draft and the graphics, the layout and of course the text could be changed regarding your comments.

Dian Georgiev

Hi Dian,

Neat work. personally I like the minimalist layout.

I’m thinking, however to the audience we would be targeting. If the intention is of reaching people who don’t have a clue about GIS, maybe a little more visual content would be enticing.

With a similar intent, I came up with something like: http://www.pibinko.org/gfoss/manifesto_090130.pdf for our last general meeting in Italy (unfortunately the poster was not printed!!!, but it exists)


Andrea Giacomelli

2009/10/24 Dian Georgiev <georgievdian@gmail.com>


Markus Neteler advised me to post my poster preview here. Please find enclosed a draft of graphic design for GRASS poster (for users). You could download it in print resolution pdf format from the link below the preview.


It is a draft and the graphics, the layout and of course the text could be changed regarding your comments.

Dian Georgiev

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