[Marketing] handout for aag (print tomorrow)

I have tried to run up a handout for tomorrows AAG: ​

OSGeo AAG Handout
​I tried to hit the key points:

  • OSGeo vision
  • FOSS4G Boston
  • Projects - categories and logos, pretty but not informative but we only have 24 hours
  • GeoForAll
  • About / Partners / Sponsors (diamond and platinum sponsor logos)

Jody Garnett

Guido the above is "ready to print, double sided + color. Looks like your conference goes for few days so you should have time.


On 3 April 2017 at 23:27, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

I have tried to run up a handout for tomorrows AAG: ​

OSGeo AAG Handout
​I tried to hit the key points:

  • OSGeo vision
  • FOSS4G Boston
  • Projects - categories and logos, pretty but not informative but we only have 24 hours
  • GeoForAll
  • About / Partners / Sponsors (diamond and platinum sponsor logos)

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett