[Marketing] Hello Fellow *Evil* Marketers

Hi all,

Tyler Mitchell asked me to say hello since I had expressed an interest in helping to market FOSS/OSGeo wares. At FOSS4G last week, much discussion was made on how to fold new types of people into the OSGeo camp and how to “package” the communtiy’s offerings to the outside world – without trouncing on its history and ethic. Not an easy task.

I’m one of those evil marketers who at times can get verbose and ridiculous trying to inform people of service/products. But I also have seen the great value and opportunities in FOSS and have a genuine interest in what is possible because of it. My employer is Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI), a mid-sized aerial orthoimagery acquirer and mapping firm based in Iowa. We are a prime contractor on many Federal, State, and Local projects and there is a good chance you have unknowing used our data sometime down the line. Anyway, we use FOSS in our internal and external client project management workflow and know it is powerful. My goal here is to checkout the OSGeo “marketing” landscape and see if I can assist the community with my skill set (see LinkedIn for more details).

I am looking forward to chatting with you all!

Joshua McNary
Marketing Manager
Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI)
6315 Chancellor Drive
P.O. Box 336
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
319-277-0436 (work)

Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook


Welcome to the group. This list hasn’t been very active lately, but with the new board and some new goals I think you’ll see some movement here in the next couple months – stay tuned!


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Joshua McNary
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:24 AM
To: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Marketing] Hello Fellow Evil Marketers

Hi all,

Tyler Mitchell asked me to say hello since I had expressed an interest in helping to market FOSS/OSGeo wares. At FOSS4G last week, much discussion was made on how to fold new types of people into the OSGeo camp and how to “package” the communtiy’s offerings to the outside world – without trouncing on its history and ethic. Not an easy task.

I’m one of those evil marketers who at times can get verbose and ridiculous trying to inform people of service/products. But I also have seen the great value and opportunities in FOSS and have a genuine interest in what is possible because of it. My employer is Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI), a mid-sized aerial orthoimagery acquirer and mapping firm based in Iowa. We are a prime contractor on many Federal, State, and Local projects and there is a good chance you have unknowing used our data sometime down the line. Anyway, we use FOSS in our internal and external client project management workflow and know it is powerful. My goal here is to checkout the OSGeo “marketing” landscape and see if I can assist the community with my skill set (see LinkedIn for more details).

I am looking forward to chatting with you all!

Joshua McNary

Marketing Manager

Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI)

6315 Chancellor Drive

P.O. Box 336

Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613

319-277-0436 (work)


Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

Hi all, I’ve also been lurking on this list for a while without being active (well, active in different directions with a little conference we just had!), but keen to get some more activities going now that FOSS4G is out of the way and now that I’m on the board. There’s a lot of great material from FOSS4G that we can organize into some good marketing materials I think.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Michael P. Gerlek <mpg@flaxen.com> wrote:


Welcome to the group. This list hasn’t been very active lately, but with the new board and some new goals I think you’ll see some movement here in the next couple months – stay tuned!


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Joshua McNary
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:24 AM
To: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Marketing] Hello Fellow Evil Marketers

Hi all,

Tyler Mitchell asked me to say hello since I had expressed an interest in helping to market FOSS/OSGeo wares. At FOSS4G last week, much discussion was made on how to fold new types of people into the OSGeo camp and how to “package” the communtiy’s offerings to the outside world – without trouncing on its history and ethic. Not an easy task.

I’m one of those evil marketers who at times can get verbose and ridiculous trying to inform people of service/products. But I also have seen the great value and opportunities in FOSS and have a genuine interest in what is possible because of it. My employer is Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI), a mid-sized aerial orthoimagery acquirer and mapping firm based in Iowa. We are a prime contractor on many Federal, State, and Local projects and there is a good chance you have unknowing used our data sometime down the line. Anyway, we use FOSS in our internal and external client project management workflow and know it is powerful. My goal here is to checkout the OSGeo “marketing” landscape and see if I can assist the community with my skill set (see LinkedIn for more details).

I am looking forward to chatting with you all!

Joshua McNary

Marketing Manager

Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI)

6315 Chancellor Drive

P.O. Box 336

Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613

319-277-0436 (work)


Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

Marketing mailing list

Joshua, welcome.

I guess I could say that I’m probably also an evil marketeer, although I pretend I’m not.
A while back I had a crack at defining our marketing pipeline:

Then marketing artefacts:

This then led to the development of these artefacts, which has largely focused around the development of OSGeo-Live:

I’d be very interested to hear your take on these, and in particular, what should we be focusing on next?

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Glad you made it on Josh :slight_smile: And Michael and Peter too.

As you all know, I'm trying to hand off some of my tasks as I leave OSGeo.
As a result I will be giving up my role as Marketing committee chair, anyone
else interested in taking the helm?

The next steps in my head are:
* secure a budget
* align plans with new board strategy for outreach
* keep momentum going before/after FOSS4G

I'm happy to answer any marketing related questions but in a nutshell here's what
I've had on my plate or at least in the back of my head. If you are interested in any particular
items, please holler :slight_smile: Note not all these things were not done on a regular basis, but they
were on my list and many items were a team effort, not just about me:

- Committee
    Chair Marketing Committee, plan meetings
    Identify priorities – events, material
    Coordinate with volunteers
    Design and host material
    Coordinate with designers as required
    Coordinate printing, shipment, payment of material for events
    Maximizing OSGeo benefit from all events we are at
    Prioritising event related spending

- Events
    Help coordinate OSGeo's presence at events
    Speak as the OSGeo rep/contact
    Plan OSGeo booth – material, manpower
    Coordinate presentations for events
    Plan special meetings with stakeholders
    Help FOSS4G chair
    Serve on FOSS4G LOC
    Drive sponsors to FOSS4G
    Get OSGeo sponsorship needs in front of many eyes

Hope that makes some sense!
Talk to you soon,

On 22/09/2011 1:19 AM, Peter Batty wrote:

Hi all, I've also been lurking on this list for a while without being active (well, active in different directions with a little conference we just had!), but keen to get some more activities going now that FOSS4G is out of the way and now that I'm on the board. There's a lot of great material from FOSS4G that we can organize into some good marketing materials I think.


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Michael P. Gerlek <mpg@flaxen.com> wrote:

Welcome to the group. This list hasn’t been very active lately, but with the new board and some new goals I think you’ll see some movement here in the next couple months – stay tuned!


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [mailto:marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Joshua McNary
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:24 AM
To: marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [Marketing] Hello Fellow *Evil* Marketers

Hi all,

Tyler Mitchell asked me to say hello since I had expressed an interest in helping to market FOSS/OSGeo wares. At FOSS4G last week, much discussion was made on how to fold new types of people into the OSGeo camp and how to "package" the communtiy's offerings to the outside world -- without trouncing on its history and ethic. Not an easy task.

I'm one of those *evil* marketers who at times can get verbose and ridiculous trying to inform people of service/products. But I also have seen the great value and opportunities in FOSS and have a genuine interest in what is possible because of it. My employer is Aerial Services, Inc. (ASI), a mid-sized aerial orthoimagery acquirer and mapping firm based in Iowa. We are a prime contractor on many Federal, State, and Local projects and there is a good chance you have unknowing used our data sometime down the line. Anyway, we use FOSS in our internal and external client project management workflow and know it is powerful. My goal here is to checkout the OSGeo "marketing" landscape and see if I can assist the community with my skill set (see LinkedIn for more details).

I am looking forward to chatting with you all!

The next steps in my head are:

  • secure a budget
  • align plans with new board strategy for outreach
  • keep momentum going before/after FOSS4G
  • branding! (can we get the website branding please :smiley: )

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On 08.10.2011 12:25, Jody Garnett wrote:

The next steps in my head are:
* secure a budget
* align plans with new board strategy for outreach
* keep momentum going before/after FOSS4G

* branding! (can we get the website branding please :smiley: )

is this a webcom task? All we have so far is a Wiki page [1]. A logo is
in the making, I suggested to increase the font size.

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2012

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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The next steps in my head are:

  • secure a budget
  • align plans with new board strategy for outreach
  • keep momentum going before/after FOSS4G
  • branding! (can we get the website branding please :smiley: )

is this a webcom task? All we have so far is a Wiki page [1]. A logo is
in the making, I suggested to increase the font size.

Arnulf I have both joined the webcom and the marketting committee in order to improve the OSGeo branding. Both committees point at each other when I start discussions on the topic; perhaps I am just annoying (or it is something that both committees could collaborate on).

I view the website as the public face of OSGeo; as such it is our best tool in marketing the foundation.

We do have more than a wiki page[2][3]

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2012

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Marketing mailing list