[Marketing] How should OSGeo Marketing spend $10K

In the recent OSGeo Budget [1], the marketing committee has been allocated $10K, (up from $5K in 2012).
Specifically for: “General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB matching funds)”.
This is in line with OSGeo principles [2]

Packaging and Marketing

OSGeo’s marketing effort has primarily been focused around the packaging and documentation efforts of OSGeo-Live, and to a lesser extend, osgeo4w. In 2012, OSGeo-Live was used at 45 events without OSGeo’s financial support. It has been entirely driven by volunteer labour, with 140 OSGeo-Live volunteers, and printing costs have been covered by local events or sponsors.

In the last couple of years, OSGeo has covered local chapter expenses required to purchase non-consumable items for conference booths(such as a retractable banner).

In moving forward, OSGeo hope to extend marketing reach by providing co-contributions toward printing costs of consumable items at conferences, such as toward OSGeo-Live DVDs.

So based upon this, I’d like to ask for suggestions on how we should update marketing guidelines [3] on how funding should be allocated.

Here is a rough suggestion for starting:

  • Spatial related conferences can receive 100% funding for OSGeo-Live DVD printing for 10% of expected conference attendees. (Ie, if 500 attendees, OSGeo will fund printing of 50 DVDs). [Estimated Value: (50 conferences) * (200 people attending) * 10% * ($2 / DVD) = $2,000.

  • Additionally, OSGeo will match sponsorship funds (up to $500) for conference consumables (such as printing OSGeo-Live USBs - LOC to decide how best to spend this). [Estimated Value: (15 conferences) * $200 = $3,000].

  • Marketing pack for non-consumables continued to be allocated to LOCs requesting it. [Value: 3 * $500 = $1,500]

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2013
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2013-02-26#Conferences_and_related_events
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee#Current_Marketing_Activities

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

I have long thought that certain store items should be subsidized as
promotion/marketing rather than fund-raising efforts. This would be
marketing throughout the entire world. Think of the email list stats
converted into shirt/sticker display!

For instance, the iconic black shirts
http://www.cafepress.com/osgeo/1752234 and the laptop sticker,
http://www.cafepress.com/osgeo.384183363 which should probably also be
available as a black background rather than white (clear is ok).

What do other people think of trying to increase OSGeo visibility
through clothing and stickers?

My run at the $.02, Eli

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

In the recent OSGeo Budget [1], the marketing committee has been allocated
$10K, (up from $5K in 2012).
Specifically for: "General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB
matching funds)".
This is in line with OSGeo principles [2]

Packaging and Marketing

OSGeo's marketing effort has primarily been focused around the packaging and
documentation efforts of OSGeo-Live, and to a lesser extend, osgeo4w. In
2012, OSGeo-Live was used at 45 events without OSGeo's financial support. It
has been entirely driven by volunteer labour, with 140 OSGeo-Live
volunteers, and printing costs have been covered by local events or

In the last couple of years, OSGeo has covered local chapter expenses
required to purchase non-consumable items for conference booths(such as a
retractable banner).

In moving forward, OSGeo hope to extend marketing reach by providing
co-contributions toward printing costs of consumable items at conferences,
such as toward OSGeo-Live DVDs.

So based upon this, I'd like to ask for suggestions on how we should update
marketing guidelines [3] on how funding should be allocated.

Here is a rough suggestion for starting:
* Spatial related conferences can receive 100% funding for OSGeo-Live DVD
printing for 10% of expected conference attendees. (Ie, if 500 attendees,
OSGeo will fund printing of 50 DVDs). [Estimated Value: (50 conferences) *
(200 people attending) * 10% * ($2 / DVD) = $2,000.

* Additionally, OSGeo will match sponsorship funds (up to $500) for
conference consumables (such as printing OSGeo-Live USBs - LOC to decide how
best to spend this). [Estimated Value: (15 conferences) * $200 = $3,000].

* Marketing pack for non-consumables continued to be allocated to LOCs
requesting it. [Value: 3 * $500 = $1,500]

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2013

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Marketing mailing list

Our past experience estimating costs of supporting conferences and marketing material is that there are lots of OSGeo related events around the world (45 last year which made use of OSGeo-Live), and costs of covering such promotional material is expensive, typically $1,000 to $2,000 at least to cover all conference expenses).

So what the marketing committee do cover is an Exhibition Pack per local chapter, which does have some space in it for shirts for attendees.

What I'm proposing is that we now cover a bit more of the consumable items, and I've noticed at past conferences that the most interesting thing attendees pick up is the OSGeo-Live DVD.

On 4/04/2013 1:34 PM, Eli Adam wrote:

I have long thought that certain store items should be subsidized as
promotion/marketing rather than fund-raising efforts. This would be
marketing throughout the entire world. Think of the email list stats
converted into shirt/sticker display!

For instance, the iconic black shirts
http://www.cafepress.com/osgeo/1752234 and the laptop sticker,
http://www.cafepress.com/osgeo.384183363 which should probably also be
available as a black background rather than white (clear is ok).

What do other people think of trying to increase OSGeo visibility
through clothing and stickers?

My run at the $.02, Eli

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Cameron Shorter
<cameron.shorter@gmail.com> wrote:

In the recent OSGeo Budget [1], the marketing committee has been allocated
$10K, (up from $5K in 2012).
Specifically for: "General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB
matching funds)".
This is in line with OSGeo principles [2]

Packaging and Marketing

OSGeo's marketing effort has primarily been focused around the packaging and
documentation efforts of OSGeo-Live, and to a lesser extend, osgeo4w. In
2012, OSGeo-Live was used at 45 events without OSGeo's financial support. It
has been entirely driven by volunteer labour, with 140 OSGeo-Live
volunteers, and printing costs have been covered by local events or

In the last couple of years, OSGeo has covered local chapter expenses
required to purchase non-consumable items for conference booths(such as a
retractable banner).

In moving forward, OSGeo hope to extend marketing reach by providing
co-contributions toward printing costs of consumable items at conferences,
such as toward OSGeo-Live DVDs.

So based upon this, I'd like to ask for suggestions on how we should update
marketing guidelines [3] on how funding should be allocated.

Here is a rough suggestion for starting:
* Spatial related conferences can receive 100% funding for OSGeo-Live DVD
printing for 10% of expected conference attendees. (Ie, if 500 attendees,
OSGeo will fund printing of 50 DVDs). [Estimated Value: (50 conferences) *
(200 people attending) * 10% * ($2 / DVD) = $2,000.

* Additionally, OSGeo will match sponsorship funds (up to $500) for
conference consumables (such as printing OSGeo-Live USBs - LOC to decide how
best to spend this). [Estimated Value: (15 conferences) * $200 = $3,000].

* Marketing pack for non-consumables continued to be allocated to LOCs
requesting it. [Value: 3 * $500 = $1,500]

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2013

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Marketing mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

In the Marketing Committee meeting today, we discussed how we would pay for distribution of DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the world (at ~ $50 - $400 per event).

Options floated:
1. Volunteer(s) coordinate the once off printing of 1000s of DVD/USB/stickers, then coordinate the posting to events. This will require volunteer(s) to step up and coordinate. Ideally, have a volunteer for each region. Downside, in some places we will print too many, sometimes not enough.

2. Events to coordinate printing of material for their own events in line with our sponsorship guidelines, then send a bill to OSGeo. Downside, the will result in lots of micro payments, along with associated time processing them.

3. Push the publishing and distributing to a printing provider. Downside, this will require someone to research options, and it will probably cost us more. It might still result in lots of micro payments (to the printer)

Daniel, as OSGeo Treasurer, I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
Others are also welcome to add suggestions.

On 27/03/2013 8:23 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

In the recent OSGeo Budget [1], the marketing committee has been allocated $10K, (up from $5K in 2012).
Specifically for: "General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB matching funds)".
This is in line with OSGeo principles [2]

      Packaging and Marketing

OSGeo's marketing effort has primarily been focused around the packaging and documentation efforts ofOSGeo-Live <http://live.osgeo.org/&gt;, and to a lesser extend,osgeo4w <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/&gt;\. In 2012, OSGeo-Live was used at45 events <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_History&gt;without OSGeo's financial support. It has been entirely driven by volunteer labour, with 140 OSGeo-Live volunteers, and printing costs have been covered by local events or sponsors.

In the last couple of years, OSGeo has covered local chapter expenses required to purchasenon-consumable items for conference booths <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack&gt;\(such as a retractable banner).

In moving forward, OSGeo hope to extend marketing reach by providing co-contributions toward printing costs of consumable items at conferences, such as toward OSGeo-Live DVDs.

So based upon this, I'd like to ask for suggestions on how we should update marketing guidelines [3] on how funding should be allocated.

Here is a rough suggestion for starting:
* Spatial related conferences can receive 100% funding for OSGeo-Live DVD printing for 10% of expected conference attendees. (Ie, if 500 attendees, OSGeo will fund printing of 50 DVDs). [Estimated Value: (50 conferences) * (200 people attending) * 10% * ($2 / DVD) = $2,000.

* Additionally, OSGeo will match sponsorship funds (up to $500) for conference consumables (such as printing OSGeo-Live USBs - LOC to decide how best to spend this). [Estimated Value: (15 conferences) * $200 = $3,000].

* Marketing pack for non-consumables continued to be allocated to LOCs requesting it. [Value: 3 * $500 = $1,500]

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2013
[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2013-02-26#Conferences_and_related_events
[3] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Marketing_Committee#Current_Marketing_Activities
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Hi Cameron, all,

I'll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo's presence at events in the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to make a real impact, you'd need a couple of simple flyers that explain efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups don't have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let's promote it and not focus solely on the DVDs. It's easy to send out a PDF to organizers that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents (and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn't have time to work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that local people could print to hand out at a booth.

2- With my treasurer hat on:

Dozens or hundreds of micro-payments is clearly a no-go given the current setup (unfortunately).


On 13-04-10 7:11 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

In the Marketing Committee meeting today, we discussed how we would pay
for distribution of DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the
world (at ~ $50 - $400 per event).

Options floated:
1. Volunteer(s) coordinate the once off printing of 1000s of
DVD/USB/stickers, then coordinate the posting to events. This will
require volunteer(s) to step up and coordinate. Ideally, have a
volunteer for each region. Downside, in some places we will print too
many, sometimes not enough.

2. Events to coordinate printing of material for their own events in
line with our sponsorship guidelines, then send a bill to OSGeo.
Downside, the will result in lots of micro payments, along with
associated time processing them.

3. Push the publishing and distributing to a printing provider.
Downside, this will require someone to research options, and it will
probably cost us more. It might still result in lots of micro payments
(to the printer)

Daniel, as OSGeo Treasurer, I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
Others are also welcome to add suggestions.

On 27/03/2013 8:23 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

In the recent OSGeo Budget [1], the marketing committee has been
allocated $10K, (up from $5K in 2012).
Specifically for: "General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB
matching funds)".
This is in line with OSGeo principles [2]

      Packaging and Marketing

OSGeo's marketing effort has primarily been focused around the
packaging and documentation efforts ofOSGeo-Live
<http://live.osgeo.org/&gt;, and to a lesser extend,osgeo4w
<http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/&gt;\. In 2012, OSGeo-Live was used at45
events <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_History&gt;without OSGeo's
financial support. It has been entirely driven by volunteer labour,
with 140 OSGeo-Live volunteers, and printing costs have been covered
by local events or sponsors.

In the last couple of years, OSGeo has covered local chapter expenses
required to purchasenon-consumable items for conference booths
<http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Exhibition_Pack&gt;\(such as a retractable

In moving forward, OSGeo hope to extend marketing reach by providing
co-contributions toward printing costs of consumable items at
conferences, such as toward OSGeo-Live DVDs.

So based upon this, I'd like to ask for suggestions on how we should
update marketing guidelines [3] on how funding should be allocated.

Here is a rough suggestion for starting:
* Spatial related conferences can receive 100% funding for OSGeo-Live
DVD printing for 10% of expected conference attendees. (Ie, if 500
attendees, OSGeo will fund printing of 50 DVDs). [Estimated Value: (50
conferences) * (200 people attending) * 10% * ($2 / DVD) = $2,000.

* Additionally, OSGeo will match sponsorship funds (up to $500) for
conference consumables (such as printing OSGeo-Live USBs - LOC to
decide how best to spend this). [Estimated Value: (15 conferences) *
$200 = $3,000].

* Marketing pack for non-consumables continued to be allocated to LOCs
requesting it. [Value: 3 * $500 = $1,500]

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2013
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

I'm splitting this email thread into 2, in order to address your comments separately.

You have made a very valid suggestion that the Marketing Committee provide a couple of simple fliers.
I believe we have the basis for most, if not all of this, but as noted, it is hard to find.
I think the action out of this is for the marketing committee to identify our key marketing fliers (and posters, and video loops, etc) which we have available, and in particular, ensure it is up to date.
This should then all be referenced from one visible spot.

This will make it easy for LOCs to print and distribute the material.

On 11/04/2013 11:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Cameron, all,

I'll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo's presence at events in the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to make a real impact, you'd need a couple of simple flyers that explain efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups don't have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let's promote it and not focus solely on the DVDs. It's easy to send out a PDF to organizers that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents (and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn't have time to work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that local people could print to hand out at a booth.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

It concerns me that OSGeo is not set up to pay micro payments. (I understand each payment costs $30?)
I think that it is important for the marketing committee to be able to spend its $10,000 budget in $100 to $500 amounts, which equates to ~ 50 payments. (At $30/payment, that is $1500, or 15% of our budget).

I question the value we are getting from our banker if we have this sort of cost, and suggest that we investigate alternatives.
Are there strong reasons for continuing with our current situation of $30 transaction fees?

On 11/04/2013 11:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

2- With my treasurer hat on:

Dozens or hundreds of micro-payments is clearly a no-go given the current setup (unfortunately).


On 13-04-10 7:11 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

In the Marketing Committee meeting today, we discussed how we would pay
for distribution of DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the
world (at ~ $50 - $400 per event).

Options floated:
1. Volunteer(s) coordinate the once off printing of 1000s of
DVD/USB/stickers, then coordinate the posting to events. This will
require volunteer(s) to step up and coordinate. Ideally, have a
volunteer for each region. Downside, in some places we will print too
many, sometimes not enough.

2. Events to coordinate printing of material for their own events in
line with our sponsorship guidelines, then send a bill to OSGeo.
Downside, the will result in lots of micro payments, along with
associated time processing them.

3. Push the publishing and distributing to a printing provider.
Downside, this will require someone to research options, and it will
probably cost us more. It might still result in lots of micro payments
(to the printer)

Daniel, as OSGeo Treasurer, I'm interested to hear your thoughts.
Others are also welcome to add suggestions.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source


I did a little book print out of the Overviews from the LiveDVD for a local conference. It was looked at a couple of times, but I think a 8.5x11 sheet for each project would be a better bet for printing out, one for each project. I've done Tri-folds in the past for GeoMoose for example.

I would like to suggest something similar as a resource for using at Conferences.

Having the software options all laid out and grouped by product type would go a long ways on the sale front.


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Cameron Shorter [cameron.shorter@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 5:36 PM
To: Daniel Morissette
Cc: OSGeo Marketing; live-demo@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Marketing] OSGeo Flier

I'm splitting this email thread into 2, in order to address your
comments separately.

You have made a very valid suggestion that the Marketing Committee
provide a couple of simple fliers.
I believe we have the basis for most, if not all of this, but as noted,
it is hard to find.
I think the action out of this is for the marketing committee to
identify our key marketing fliers (and posters, and video loops, etc)
which we have available, and in particular, ensure it is up to date.
This should then all be referenced from one visible spot.

This will make it easy for LOCs to print and distribute the material.

On 11/04/2013 11:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Cameron, all,

I'll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo's presence at events in
the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to
make a real impact, you'd need a couple of simple flyers that explain
efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should
care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and
would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups
don't have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let's promote it and not
focus solely on the DVDs. It's easy to send out a PDF to organizers
that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of
OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so
we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents
(and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn't have time to
work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have
translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really
worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the
world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that
local people could print to hand out at a booth.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Marketing mailing list

We used to do this back when I started tabling for OSGeo in 2008. A page per project is unruly and takes up the whole table if you want a stack for each project. It can be partially mitigated with the magazine holder (see the Exhibition pack examples on the wiki). You also have to guess what ratio to make of each project for a given event. Example QGIS flyers went out 100:1 vs OSSIM at every geography conference, the really techy people who were interested in GDAL/OGR and web libraries just wanted urls.

Its also quite the expenditure to print all that paper. We had talked about at one point printing the Overviews and binding them similar to what you tried. I think good pdf output from sphinx was the holdup at one point. I am also not convinced this sells anything... I have bags and bags of stuff I've picked up at conferences and never looked at again until I went to recycle years later. The person who just walks by the table and takes one of each isn't the person we're targeting. To frame it differently, when we have had DVDs I've only put out 1 or 2 to draw attention but I never give one to a person without a volunteer first chatting with them and assessing if they're likely to actually use it.

Easiest give away so far has been business cards (Arnulf really liked them), one that lists all the projects on it by grouping. Usually in conversation, I'll circle the projects relevant to the person I'm talking to, so they remember what to look up. At $10 for 200 (cheaper in bigger quantities) it's really cost effective and easy to carry quite a few, and doesn't take up the whole table. It needs updating but the Inkscape SVG is in svn.

I'm also in favor of updating the 2 page, front/back overview of OSGeo that was done professionally, but this time in open formats and easy to print on not so fancy paper (grayscale option too). If we better optimize the space it could provide more info about each project, and not just a list.


On 04/11/2013 08:46 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:


I did a little book print out of the Overviews from the LiveDVD for a local conference. It was looked at a couple of times, but I think a 8.5x11 sheet for each project would be a better bet for printing out, one for each project. I've done Tri-folds in the past for GeoMoose for example.

I would like to suggest something similar as a resource for using at Conferences.

Having the software options all laid out and grouped by product type would go a long ways on the sale front.


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Cameron Shorter [cameron.shorter@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 5:36 PM
To: Daniel Morissette
Cc: OSGeo Marketing; live-demo@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Marketing] OSGeo Flier

I'm splitting this email thread into 2, in order to address your
comments separately.

You have made a very valid suggestion that the Marketing Committee
provide a couple of simple fliers.
I believe we have the basis for most, if not all of this, but as noted,
it is hard to find.
I think the action out of this is for the marketing committee to
identify our key marketing fliers (and posters, and video loops, etc)
which we have available, and in particular, ensure it is up to date.
This should then all be referenced from one visible spot.

This will make it easy for LOCs to print and distribute the material.

On 11/04/2013 11:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Cameron, all,

I'll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo's presence at events in
the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to
make a real impact, you'd need a couple of simple flyers that explain
efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should
care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and
would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups
don't have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let's promote it and not
focus solely on the DVDs. It's easy to send out a PDF to organizers
that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of
OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so
we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents
(and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn't have time to
work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have
translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really
worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the
world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that
local people could print to hand out at a booth.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

Marketing mailing list

Marketing mailing list


All good points.

I don't believe I would ever print out everything for every conference as you've described already, but having the option to print them is the bigger point I was making. I do have access to tri-fold and brochure holders as well, so pushing certain handouts at specific events is doable in my particular case.

The business card idea is an interesting one as well. This might be a good piece to have as a summary of the Live-DVD, and I would think a good freebie by the marketing committee either as finished cards and/or just the artwork.

As to the DVDs, we got rid of about 80 of them at our local GIS/LIS conference last year, doing pretty much what you described, by only putting out a few at a time, and talking the folks up before they left with one.


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Alex Mandel [tech_dev@wildintellect.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 5:51 PM
To: OSGeo Marketing
Subject: Re: [Marketing] OSGeo Flier

We used to do this back when I started tabling for OSGeo in 2008. A page
per project is unruly and takes up the whole table if you want a stack
for each project. It can be partially mitigated with the magazine holder
(see the Exhibition pack examples on the wiki). You also have to guess
what ratio to make of each project for a given event. Example QGIS
flyers went out 100:1 vs OSSIM at every geography conference, the really
techy people who were interested in GDAL/OGR and web libraries just
wanted urls.

Its also quite the expenditure to print all that paper. We had talked
about at one point printing the Overviews and binding them similar to
what you tried. I think good pdf output from sphinx was the holdup at
one point. I am also not convinced this sells anything... I have bags
and bags of stuff I've picked up at conferences and never looked at
again until I went to recycle years later. The person who just walks by
the table and takes one of each isn't the person we're targeting. To
frame it differently, when we have had DVDs I've only put out 1 or 2 to
draw attention but I never give one to a person without a volunteer
first chatting with them and assessing if they're likely to actually use it.

Easiest give away so far has been business cards (Arnulf really liked
them), one that lists all the projects on it by grouping. Usually in
conversation, I'll circle the projects relevant to the person I'm
talking to, so they remember what to look up. At $10 for 200 (cheaper in
bigger quantities) it's really cost effective and easy to carry quite a
few, and doesn't take up the whole table. It needs updating but the
Inkscape SVG is in svn.

I'm also in favor of updating the 2 page, front/back overview of OSGeo
that was done professionally, but this time in open formats and easy to
print on not so fancy paper (grayscale option too). If we better
optimize the space it could provide more info about each project, and
not just a list.


On 04/11/2013 08:46 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:


I did a little book print out of the Overviews from the LiveDVD for a local conference. It was looked at a couple of times, but I think a 8.5x11 sheet for each project would be a better bet for printing out, one for each project. I've done Tri-folds in the past for GeoMoose for example.

I would like to suggest something similar as a resource for using at Conferences.

Having the software options all laid out and grouped by product type would go a long ways on the sale front.


From: marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org [marketing-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Cameron Shorter [cameron.shorter@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 5:36 PM
To: Daniel Morissette
Cc: OSGeo Marketing; live-demo@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Marketing] OSGeo Flier

I'm splitting this email thread into 2, in order to address your
comments separately.

You have made a very valid suggestion that the Marketing Committee
provide a couple of simple fliers.
I believe we have the basis for most, if not all of this, but as noted,
it is hard to find.
I think the action out of this is for the marketing committee to
identify our key marketing fliers (and posters, and video loops, etc)
which we have available, and in particular, ensure it is up to date.
This should then all be referenced from one visible spot.

This will make it easy for LOCs to print and distribute the material.

On 11/04/2013 11:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Hi Cameron, all,

I'll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo's presence at events in
the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to
make a real impact, you'd need a couple of simple flyers that explain
efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should
care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and
would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups
don't have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let's promote it and not
focus solely on the DVDs. It's easy to send out a PDF to organizers
that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of
OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so
we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents
(and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn't have time to
work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have
translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really
worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the
world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that
local people could print to hand out at a booth.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
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Il 14/04/2013 00:51, Alex Mandel ha scritto:

We used to do this back when I started tabling for OSGeo in 2008. A
page per project is unruly and takes up the whole table if you want
a stack for each project. It can be partially mitigated with the
magazine holder (see the Exhibition pack examples on the wiki). You
also have to guess what ratio to make of each project for a given
event. Example QGIS flyers went out 100:1 vs OSSIM at every
geography conference, the really techy people who were interested
in GDAL/OGR and web libraries just wanted urls.

Its also quite the expenditure to print all that paper. We had
talked about at one point printing the Overviews and binding them
similar to what you tried. I think good pdf output from sphinx was
the holdup at one point. I am also not convinced this sells
anything... I have bags and bags of stuff I've picked up at
conferences and never looked at again until I went to recycle years
later. The person who just walks by the table and takes one of each
isn't the person we're targeting. To frame it differently, when we
have had DVDs I've only put out 1 or 2 to draw attention but I
never give one to a person without a volunteer first chatting with
them and assessing if they're likely to actually use it.

Hi all.
Agreed with Alex, printing on paper, or even on DVD, is obsolete,
expensive, and environment unfriendly nowadays.
When (many, many years ago) we distributed DVD, we requested a
symbolic fee, just to make sure it will not end up being used as a
coaster or the like.
Also, I understand the need to give all projects adequate visibility,
but I think it is in OSGeo interest to put in evidence what is most
useful and interesting for users.
All the best.
- --
Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Hi All,

My comments inline:


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette@mapgears.com> wrote:

Hi Cameron, all,

I’ll answer with two different hats:

1- As a OSGeo community member who is also the lead of a local chapter:

My experience from trying to organize OSGeo’s presence at events in the past is that DVDs/USBs/Stickers might be nice to give away, but to make a real impact, you’d need a couple of simple flyers that explain efficiently what OSGeo is about, what it does, and why visitors should care about it. This was a blocker for us (the Quebec chapter) and would be even more important than DVDs/USBs/Stickers and local groups don’t have the time/resource/knowledge to prepare that.

If this material already exists then great, let’s promote it and not focus solely on the DVDs. It’s easy to send out a PDF to organizers that they can print locally at very low cost. As an active member of OSGeo I was not able to find anything relevant last time I checked, so we ended up abandoning our free OSGeo booth due to lack of contents (and as the organizer of the rest of the event I didn’t have time to work on that). If the material had existed in English we could have translated it, but I could not even find a relevant English flyer.

All this to say that personally I am questioning whether it is really worth sending out DVDs/USBs/Stickers to 50 - 100 events around the world when we are lacking a simple PDF in multiple languages that local people could print to hand out at a booth.

I thoroughly agree with this. I know the material is available in the svn but this is not the easiest environment for people to find the simple things that they need. No doubt there’s something on the wiki about the different materials we have, but I think it would be useful to review this. In the past, I’ve used Hubcast for cheap(ish) printing for conferences- I’ve printed out the gatefold flier and the business cards using that service, which IMHO are the best materials to hand out. I’ve also sourced a quick and cheap printer of DVDs in the UK, and personally I think it’s definitely worth having a big pile of professional-looking dvds to give out.

2- With my treasurer hat on:

Dozens or hundreds of micro-payments is clearly a no-go given the current setup (unfortunately).


Hopefully this is something we could work around- maybe pay each chapter once a year or similar? (This will need working out)

Further thoughts- personally I think we need to cap the amount that we give to a chapter, so that we are fair to everyone. Similarly I think we need to define some sort of criteria for the relevance of a conference so that we don’t end up spending cash on events of dubious value to OSGeo. How we work this out, I’m not sure, but I can imagine it becoming a free-for-all if we don’t!


Jo Cook
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