[Marketing] Introduction

Dear OSgeo marketing team,

I would like to use this chance and introduce myself.
My name is Jan Keil, I have been at FOSS4G for the first time recently
in Bucharest.

I have a lot of interests, where geospatial is still only a hobby. Will
see what the future will bring.
Some short overview of my business expertise you can find in LinkedIn:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-keil-2011a61/ (Please connect ;))
My daily bread and butter I earn as a marketing executive.

Personally I am kinda extroverted, but still a calm fellow. I am good at
listening to people and have a good sense of mediating opposition parties.
I am happily married, father of 2 (soon plus 1) kids and we are living
in Kyiv, Ukraine.

In my youth, I had the luck to be a part of the German Chaos Computer
Club and founding member of the local CCC community "entropia" in

(spoiler alarm)
I would like to join you, let's say, because of the bigger picture.
After years of pure "profit maximization for the sake of the
shareholders" I got more mature, went through different challenges and
adjusted my inner world view towards "sharing means caring".

This said, I would like to support your marketing activities and are
open-minded to whatever comes up.

All the best,

Hi Jan,

Thank you for your kind offer. I am sure we can benefit from your support.

The marketing group is a little quiet at the moment, but there are many dedicated folks participating here.


On Mon, Sep 2, 2019, 5:13 PM Jan Keil <keil@osua.info> wrote:

Dear OSgeo marketing team,

I would like to use this chance and introduce myself.
My name is Jan Keil, I have been at FOSS4G for the first time recently
in Bucharest.

I have a lot of interests, where geospatial is still only a hobby. Will
see what the future will bring.
Some short overview of my business expertise you can find in LinkedIn:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-keil-2011a61/ (Please connect ;))
My daily bread and butter I earn as a marketing executive.

Personally I am kinda extroverted, but still a calm fellow. I am good at
listening to people and have a good sense of mediating opposition parties.
I am happily married, father of 2 (soon plus 1) kids and we are living
in Kyiv, Ukraine.

In my youth, I had the luck to be a part of the German Chaos Computer
Club and founding member of the local CCC community “entropia” in

(spoiler alarm)
I would like to join you, let’s say, because of the bigger picture.
After years of pure “profit maximization for the sake of the
shareholders” I got more mature, went through different challenges and
adjusted my inner world view towards “sharing means caring”.

This said, I would like to support your marketing activities and are
open-minded to whatever comes up.

All the best,

Marketing mailing list

Welcome Jan,
OSGeo needs people like you. We have oodles of volunteer software engineers and GIS professionals, but very few people with a marketing background who have stayed around.

So here is the challenge you face:
What do you think should and can be done which:

  • Is sustainable with almost no long term financial input?
  • With very few marketing volunteers (unless you recruit them yourself)?
  • Adds value?

Cameron Shorter

Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

Hi Cameron, Hi Guido, Dear List,

thanks for welcoming me and the direct engage.

Sure, the silence on the list, as you described Guido, isn't an
indicator for engagement.
I was honestly impressed in Bucharest and had the chance to meet at
least a few of you in person,
and exchanged the one or other word, sentence, joke or vision :wink:

Nice direct approach to the pain points, Cameron, I like it.

So here is the challenge you face

Honestly, and not because of playing low, but I don't have the silver
bullet or the "right way".
You ladies&gents have already done a lot, tried different approaches,
probably had your lesson learned, and all this I'm missing out.

Anyway, using the opportunity given, I would like to contribute:

You asked about "sustainability" and "adding value". Value comes with
sustainability and thus with a plan, strategic directions and
operational execution.
Especially the smallest budget, needs clear KPI's. Hm... and most likely
you will always need to have some financial input to make it happen.
Even you engage the community, incentives, no matter which colour are
what is driving us and for some activities you just need to pay.

Ya, ya, general blah-blah :wink:

If you allow, I connect the string from us to a start-up, at least in
regards to some aspects (resource issues [people, money], lots of tasks
- mostly more important, marketing - "well ya".
I attach a preso I held recently. I think there are some relevant points
we could look into.

With an "outside" mind, not knowing anything, right... I would suggest
focusing on 3 main pillars; community, content, partners.
Just to mention some examples.
There is already a great community, within we have for sure hidden
contributors. Connect journalists with those oodles that engineer, code
and know all about GIS.
Connect the community where ever they are, offline or online, e.g.
telegram groups, instagram, etc.
If I understood correct Astrid got CCC media for Bucharest - great take!
There are other organizations sharing certain our values that can be

Got late already.

Catch up soon,

On 05/09/2019 01:24, Cameron Shorter wrote:

Welcome Jan,
OSGeo needs people like you. We have oodles of volunteer software
engineers and GIS professionals, but very few people with a marketing
background who have stayed around.

So here is the challenge you face:
What do you think should and can be done which:
* Is sustainable with almost no long term financial input?
* With very few marketing volunteers (unless you recruit them yourself)?
* Adds value?

On Tue, 3 Sep 2019 at 22:34, Guido Stein <guido@guidostein.com
<mailto:guido@guidostein.com>> wrote:

    Hi Jan,

    Thank you for your kind offer. I am sure we can benefit from your

    The marketing group is a little quiet at the moment, but there are
    many dedicated folks participating here.


    On Mon, Sep 2, 2019, 5:13 PM Jan Keil <keil@osua.info
    <mailto:keil@osua.info>> wrote:

        Dear OSgeo marketing team,

        I would like to use this chance and introduce myself.
        My name is Jan Keil, I have been at FOSS4G for the first time
        in Bucharest.

        I have a lot of interests, where geospatial is still only a
        hobby. Will
        see what the future will bring.
        Some short overview of my business expertise you can find in
        https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-keil-2011a61/ (Please connect ;))
        My daily bread and butter I earn as a marketing executive.

        Personally I am kinda extroverted, but still a calm fellow. I
        am good at
        listening to people and have a good sense of mediating
        opposition parties.
        I am happily married, father of 2 (soon plus 1) kids and we
        are living
        in Kyiv, Ukraine.

        In my youth, I had the luck to be a part of the German Chaos
        Club and founding member of the local CCC community "entropia" in

        (spoiler alarm)
        I would like to join you, let's say, because of the bigger
        After years of pure "profit maximization for the sake of the
        shareholders" I got more mature, went through different
        challenges and
        adjusted my inner world view towards "sharing means caring".

        This said, I would like to support your marketing activities
        and are
        open-minded to whatever comes up.

        All the best,

        Marketing mailing list
        Marketing@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Marketing@lists.osgeo.org>

    Marketing mailing list
    Marketing@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Marketing@lists.osgeo.org>

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254


Herzliche Grüße aus Baden-Baden
Jan Keil

O S U A GmbH
Ludwig Wilhelm Platz 7
76530 Baden-Baden

Mob: +49.163.6007272
Mob UA: +380.67.4212571

AG Mannheim HRB 109431

Jan Keil

marketing-for-startups_2019.pdf (1.83 MB)