[Marketing] Kickoff Meeting Tomorrow with Get Interactive

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

* Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
* Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
* Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
* Assess the timeline and revise based
* Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

* Priorities for specific stakeholders
* Target User Audience
* Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
* Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!


Happy to attend, is there anything we need to bring? We have a pile of branding assets in svn for example…

I would like it if we can take meeting mins in a google doc and email to the marketing list (for anyone who cannot attend).

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 4:58 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
  • Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
  • Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
  • Assess the timeline and revise based
  • Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders
  • Target User Audience
  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!


Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Yep, lets be ready with that stuff, but I plan to setup a google doc &
drive folder to keep track of all that stuff.

Jody are you volunteering to be the scribe :slight_smile:

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Happy to attend, is there anything we need to bring? We have a pile of
branding assets in svn for example...

I would like it if we can take meeting mins in a google doc and email to the
marketing list (for anyone who cannot attend).
On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 4:58 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

* Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
* Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
* Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
* Assess the timeline and revise based
* Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

* Priorities for specific stakeholders
* Target User Audience
* Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
* Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!

Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Point of a google doc is that we can balance, when someone is talking another takes notes. Allows the scribe to participate :slight_smile:

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 6:41 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Yep, lets be ready with that stuff, but I plan to setup a google doc &
drive folder to keep track of all that stuff.

Jody are you volunteering to be the scribe :slight_smile:

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Happy to attend, is there anything we need to bring? We have a pile of
branding assets in svn for example…

I would like it if we can take meeting mins in a google doc and email to the
marketing list (for anyone who cannot attend).
On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 4:58 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
  • Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
  • Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
  • Assess the timeline and revise based
  • Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders
  • Target User Audience
  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!


Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

I will be unable to join, but will read the doc when i can later today.

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017, 22:05 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Point of a google doc is that we can balance, when someone is talking another takes notes. Allows the scribe to participate :slight_smile:

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 6:41 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Yep, lets be ready with that stuff, but I plan to setup a google doc &
drive folder to keep track of all that stuff.

Jody are you volunteering to be the scribe :slight_smile:

On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Happy to attend, is there anything we need to bring? We have a pile of
branding assets in svn for example…

I would like it if we can take meeting mins in a google doc and email to the
marketing list (for anyone who cannot attend).
On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 4:58 PM Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
  • Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
  • Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
  • Assess the timeline and revise based
  • Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders
  • Target User Audience
  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!


Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Marketing mailing list

This e-mail message and any attachments may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient or otherwise authorized to receive this message, you should not use, copy, distribute, disclose or take any action based on the information contained in this e-mail or any attachments. If you have received this message and material in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you on behalf of Applied Geographics, Inc. (AppGeo).

Due to jet-lag I have started the google doc, filling in links/content for several agenda items so we do not have to hunt it down during the meeting.

2017-04-05 Get Interactive Kickoff

Q: What is KPI?

Q: Your agenda is fairly long! Do you have a time limit in mind?


On 4 April 2017 at 16:58, Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the late notice on this, I had intended to send this out
earlier. We will be holding a kickoff meeting with Get Interactive
tomorrow morning at 1400 UTC on the hangout linked below.


The basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)
  • Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones
  • Discuss overall project Goals and KPI
  • Assess the timeline and revise based
  • Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

We should also discuss the following

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders
  • Target User Audience
  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve
  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional
issues we should discuss.

Looking forward to talking tomorrow!


Marketing mailing list

Jody Garnett

Here are the meeting notes, collecting action items at the top:

  • all: weekly meeting has been setup, remaining communication on this email list

  • Harrison: Set up meeting with Harrision Grundy (SAC) to discuss production environment and LDAP for the website

  • Jeffrey: Write “project start” blog post / email to osgeo community

  • We need for recruit a local chapter rep for marketing committee

  • We need to recruit a geoforall member for marketing committee

When: April 5th, 2016


  • Jeffrey Johnson, Jody, Jefrey Lasut, Patrick, Pim

  • Regrets: Marc Vloemans

Agenda: (from email) the basic agenda will be as follows:

  • Introductions (Get and OSGeo folks)

  • Review initial project Roadmap and key milestones

  • Discuss overall project Goals and KPI

  • Assess the timeline and revise based

  • Evaluate Risks to the project milestones and timeline

  • Time permitting we should also discuss the following

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders

  • Target User Audience

  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve

  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

Jeff, Marc, Pim or Jody, please let us know if there are additional

issues we should discuss:

  • Q: Concerned about meeting time?

  • dumping content into this document so we do not have to look it up during the meeting

  • Can I recommend separate kick-off for the two tracks?

  • Q: Can we establish communication expectations (meetings, email, hangouts)

  • A: Prefer weekly meeting with Jeffrey

  • Recruit others to attend meeting as needed
    (Wish to be kind to our members volunteer time)

  • A: Community has a strong preference for transparency

  • sending email to marketing committee mailing list

  • taking notes in meetings like this


  • all: weekly meeting has been setup, remaining communication on this email list

  • Harrison: Set up meeting with Harrision Grundy (SAC) to discuss production environment and LDAP for the website

  • Jeffrey: Write “project start” blog post / email to osgeo community


Get Interactive:

  • Jeffrey Lasut - Senior project coordinator, architect, developer, small company so everyone is on board

  • Pim Tebbens - Creative Director, creative process, works with designer, branding, interaction/wireframe

  • Patrick Kepel - Project manager, schedule, deadlines, will write these google docs for us :slight_smile:

  • Ching Knikkink - Chen - Sr. Designer

  • Marcel de Ruiter - Developer

  • Marvin Binneneveld - Developer

  • Sebastiaan van de Haak - Developer

  • Jai Nunda - Frontend developer

Get Interactive Introduction video: https://vimeo.com/210946928

OSGeo: http://www.osgeo.org/marketing/index.html

  • Marc Vloemans - Committee Chair, happy birthday Marc!

  • Jody Garnett - looking out for projects and sponsors in this initiative, PST

  • Jeff Johnson - Initiative Lead, looking out for the “outreach” goals, PST

  • Nicolas Bozon - responsible for brand guide provided during EOI

  • Astrid Emde - great at communication, runs our twitter, focused on marketing collateral for events (component 3)

  • Harrison Grundy - from the “system admin committee” responsible for running website once delivered. Can hand any technical questions.

  • Guido Stein - working on events, organizing “foss4g” this year

  • Other members of the Committee

  • Cameron Shorter - great at writing and communication, great resource for branding questions. Works from Australia so email preferred communication.

  • Peter Batty

  • Arnulf Christl

  • Alex Mandel (SAC)

Initial project Roadmap and key milestones

From proposal/contract:

  1. Component 1 - Branding and Online Style Guide

  2. Component 2 - Online platform development, content and maintenance

  3. Component 3 - Print Marketing Collateral Creation

  4. On-site workshop august 14-19th, 2017 - Boston MA (Massachusetts)

Branding & print process:

  1. Kickoff

  2. Strategy and concept

  3. Research

  4. Strategy - sign off

  5. Concept - sign off

  6. Design

  7. Brand identity - sign off

  8. Style Guide: Component 1 - sign off

  9. Deliverable: Component 3 - sign off

Web development:

  1. Kickoff

  2. User experience design

  3. Research

  4. Sitemap finalization - sign off

  5. Interaction Design (wireframes) - sign off

  6. Visual Design - sign off

  7. Development

  8. Front-end development

  9. Configuration

  10. Back-end development

  11. Bug fixing & testing - final sign off

  12. Website launch: Component 2

Discuss overall project Goals and KPI

TBD (what is kpi? Key performance indicators).

  • How to measure success

  • Goals for bringing new users into the system

  • Goals for projects

  • Outreach - help guide users to appropriate project

  • See geonode and qgis for good examples of communication

  • Goals for geoforall

  • Action: we need to recruit a geoforall member for marketing committee

  • key success story

  • Goals for local chapters

  • Dutch chapter - note the great local branding

  • Action: we need for recruit a local chapter rep for marketing committee

  • Foss4G input?

  • Action: Ask guido to help?

  • Service providers and sponsors

  • Sponsors: Jody

  • Service providers: Jeff Johnson

  • http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html

  • http://geoserver.org/support/

  • See EOI for more details

  • Revisit as we get to each “sign-off”

Assess the timeline and revise

Q: EOI and contract took longer than planned - do we need to adjust?

Here is the timeline from the osgeo EOI (pdf) along with the note that the dates would be finalized during this “kick off” meeting.

Here is the revised timeline:

  • April 5th - milestone 1: Project kick-off

  • April 12th: Presentation information architecture (sitemaps)

  • April 19th: Presentation wireframes

  • April 26th: Presentation initial branding (Concept brand identity and concept strategy)

  • April 28th - milestone 2: Delivery of wireframes, information architecture, initial branding

  • May 3rd: Presentation detailed branding (brand identity and strategy)

  • May 10th: Presentation visual design website homepage (mockup homepage)

  • May 17th: Presentation visual design website pages (mockup other pages)

  • May 24th: Presentation visual design website pages (mockup other pages)

  • May 26th - milestone 3: Delivery of mockup homepage and content, and detailed branding

  • June 7th - milestone 4: Feedback from OSGeo team on Mock ups, Information Architecture and Branding

  • June 14th - milestone 5: Finalization of Branding and visual design

  • July 5th - milestone 6: Delivery of the homepage and content/collection templates and CMS theme (Development/Testing environment)

  • July 10th - milestone 7: Initial Migration of the platform content complete

  • July 14th - milestone 8: Website to acceptance environment (By OSGeo supported by Get Interactive)

  • July 17th - milestone 9: Knowledge transfer, training of OSGeo stakeholders

  • July 24th - milestone 10: Acceptance testing of the website and feedback from initial users

  • August 1st - milestone 11: Site Launch (Website to production environment by OSGeo supported by Get Interactive)

  • August 14-19th - milestone 12: FOSS4G Boston - facilitate content management workshop gather feedback from participants and user interviews, surveys etc

  • By August 31st - milestone 13: Delivery of final report summarizing site test and feedback results and lessons learned with recommendations

Evaluate Risks to the milestones and timeline


  • Acceptance of production environments

  • Setup LDAP for the website

  • Action: Set-up meeting with Harrison Grundy (SAC) to discuss production environment and LDAP for the website

  • Way too much feedback from foss4g-e and foss4g :slight_smile:


Discussion (time permitting)

We can look into the following - time permitting:

  • Priorities for specific stakeholders (covered above, take to email conversations)

  • Target User Audience

  • Overall Aesthetics we are trying to achieve

  • Need help here … consider the following for context

  • Look at some of projects that have done a good job?

  • Look at other foundations, organization for inspiration

  • http://apache.org

  • eclipse.org

  • LocationTech (sub brand of eclipse.org)

  • http://www.fsf.org

  • https://www.linuxfoundation.org

  • https://www.ubuntu.com

  • http://www.esri.com/software/open/open-source

  • https://choosealicense.com

  • https://creativecommons.org

  • https://www.openstreetmap.org

  • See EOI for more

  • Key Content that we want to use to drive the design

  • 70%: outreach to new users, specifically those migrating from ESRI

  • 50% - help end users choose an open source project

  • 5% - geoforall - educational outreach

  • 5% - events - direct personal contact

  • 5% - local chapters - horizontal “grassroots” outreach

  • 5% - partners - vertical “industry/topic” specific” outreach

  • 30 % community

  • 5% about the foundation - who we are, vision, goals

  • 5% service providers - promote use, investment into our projects

  • 5% sponsors - directly invest in our projects, events, iniatives

  • 10% what is open source and why it matters

  • 5% communication

  • 5% We have some formal “press release” communication to manage on the website

  • 0% news feed is sourced from community members

  • 0% osgeo committees - moving to wiki

  • 0% code sprints - already on the wiki

  • 0% initiatives - already on the wiki

  • Invoice

  • Send to treasurer@osgeo.org (the contact person is Michael Smith)