[Marketing] Lime Survey question


I have recently joined the OSGeo Marketing Committee and I’m interested to understand whether the OSGeo Lime Survey tool might be the right tool for gathering some information from project officers and others around the organization, and possibly beyond.

The OSGeo LimeSurvey page suggests I reach out to this address for assistance.

Can you please direct me to any info that might help me understand how I might use the tool or let me know if there’s someone I might speak to directly about it?

Thanks, in advance,


Scott McHale

M 403.970.7640




That would be great, thanks.

Yes, I meant the OSGeo instance of the tool. Most of the survey tools are
fairly similar. I might have even tooled around with LimeSurvey,
specifically, in the past.

If you could let me know when I have an account set up, I would appreciate

Thanks for your speedy response,

-----Original Message-----
From: Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan@sanchezortega.es>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 3:47 PM
To: Scott McHale <scott.mchale@shaw.ca>
Cc: cro@osgeo.org; marketing@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: Lime Survey question

El martes, 9 de abril de 2024 22:25:06 (CEST) Scott McHale escribió:

[...] I'm interested to understand whether the OSGeo Lime Survey tool
might be the right tool for gathering some information [...] help me
understand how I might use the tool [...]

Hi Scott, current CRO here.

So LimeSurvey is a generic tool for surveys, and the OSGeo SAC set up an
instance for us. I guess you've gathered that it's a similar tool to
surveymonkey / google forms / etc (or, check out https://en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/Comparison_of_survey_software )

I can try and set you up with an account there (which should be using your
LDAP credentials), so you can play around with it, create a couple of dummy
surveys, that kind of thing. Does that sound like something you'd like?

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan@sanchezortega.es> https://ivan.sanchezortega.es