[Marketing] [Live-demo] osgeo live logo, and website presentation

Jody, others,

Looking at the branding style guide, there is some ambiguity between the goal of allowing sub-brands (which would involve being creative with how the logo is used with other graphical concepts) and dos and don’ts which state not changing the logo. I suggest Dos and Don’ts be suggestions and goals rather than hard rules in order to enable people to be creative. Eg: if a chapter wanted to use their country’s flag colours within the logo, I think that should be ok. It is in the designer’s interest to try and align with the core OSGeo-Logo, so they will likely do a good job of making it obvious there are OSGeo roots.

Eg: Spanish logo: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Cap%C3%ADtulo_Local_de_la_comunidad_hispanohablante

For OSGeo-Live, I’m expecting we will want to work out a way to weave a heart (or some other image aligned with “live”) into the logo somehow. We may want to retain the blue heart. That should be ok and up to us to do a good job of deciding that.

You might notice OSGeo-Live has broken the style guide by using the logo in over another image in our screenshot:


In previous releases we have used washed out versions of the logo, of large, off-center parts of the logo. It was artistic and looked good, and provided the link back to OSGeo. We should empower the creative people in our community to be creative in that way.

The guide is prescriptive about only being shown on a white background. Again, that should be a recommendation rather than a rule. If I have a presentation template with a light blue background, I should be able to put a logo over the top, without needing to create a white square to put under it. As a creator, I should be able to decide which looks best.

Cheers, Cameron


On 27/8/17 2:44 am, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:

Hi Jody,

We should add this to the agenda for our next weekly meeting:

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

We are getting some requests for a new osgeo-live logo on the marketing email list - but that decision rests with the community here.

We have a number of ideas on the table, including one from the graphics designer (as included in the style guide). See page 5 here - https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/marketing/branding/styleguide-osgeo.pdf

What would be a good way to proceed? I am happy to make a motion based on the above.

Jody Garnett

Live-demo mailing list

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
OSGeo Charter Member

Live-demo mailing list
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254