[Marketing] marketing committee guidelines

Got another one for you here Marc:

Since a number of the committees are rebooting the board is asking everyone to write down “committee guidelines” on how each functions. The idea is to make sure our committees are transparent in their decision making, and open to participation.

There is a wiki page here https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines that provides more information (and helpfully provides guidance for committee chairs). There are some examples of different committees doing their thing here (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines#Examples).


Jody Garnett

So if I understand our meeting correctly:

  1. bi-weekly hangouts; guests welcome but committee members vote
  2. membership - TBD. Suggestion use email request to enter / leave the committee (see incubation committee)
  3. voting: TBD

We have a couple options of how to voting:

a) -1 is an objection, votes can still pass by majority.
b) -1 blocks requiring further discussion, each -1 requires an complete alternative proposal (see geoserver psc process for example).

And format:
a) Email set time period / requiring quorum to ensure participation (see incubation committee for 50% of members feedback over two week voting period)
b) Meeting (Skype/Hangout/IRC) voting requiring a quorum etc…

Crazy ideas:

  • How about an “active committee” / “no tourist” policy - to be a voting member you need to take responsibility for something (branding, website, event material, etc…). This is similar to the original “geotools module maintainer” setup.

On 28 November 2016 at 10:44, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com> wrote:

Got another one for you here Marc:

Since a number of the committees are rebooting the board is asking everyone to write down “committee guidelines” on how each functions. The idea is to make sure our committees are transparent in their decision making, and open to participation.

There is a wiki page here https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines that provides more information (and helpfully provides guidance for committee chairs). There are some examples of different committees doing their thing here (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines#Examples).

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett