[Marketing] Marketing in Indonesia

I received this email from Indonesia and was wandering whether someone
would be interested in representing OSGeo.

Best regards,


Ref. 09-2/ASK/IGTE2008/05.08

Dear Fellow Geo-Spatial Professionals,

The geo-spatial technology market in Indonesia is currently expanding and
questions always arise on data Fit–for-purpose, returns on investment,
dependency on vendor’s drive to influence choices, positioning for the
future and the technology directions and availability.

Nowadays, geo-spatial information is becoming available and easier to obtain
Geo-spatial information users are growing and becoming daily dependent on
geo-spatial information. The integration of geo-spatial information with
demographic and socio-economic information is developing into a routine
technique of making decision. Many information producers start developing
applications in different sectors like health, education, regional planning,
environment, etc. Geo-spatial Information is indeed an important tool for
making decisions.
The conditions have to do with the technological developments including
surveying and mapping technology and information and communication
technology. Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Information System
(GIS), High-resolution Sensors, Location-based Service (LBS) and
Internet-based applications are technologies that make geo-spatial
information available and easily accessible. The significant advantage of
these technologies is their roles in providing geo-spatial information
available and easily accessible. The significant advantage of these
technologies is their roles in providing geo-spatial information quickly and
these support the production of dynamic geo-spatial information. The dynamic
geo-spatial information is the geo-spatial information that changes over a
period of time including weather , flood, forest fire, traffic, etc.
It related to these vast developments that I am writing to you to invite and
tell you about the upcoming, "The 3rd Indonesian Geo-Information Technology
Exhibition", which is scheduled to be held from August 6th - 9th, 2008 at
the Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia.
This year's theme will be, "Integrated Portal of Dynamic Information" . This
theme was chosen to address problems of disseminating of dynamic geo-spatial
information. Compared to static geo-spatial information, the dissemination
of the dynamic information involves huge communication and computational
means for fast-sending updated information, which make the current
techniques infeasible for dynamic information. Based on the success of web
application in disseminating of the static geo-spatial information, many
researchers are now conducting researchers are now conducting researches
focusing on disseminating of dynamic information and the most important
thing is application for making timely online decisions.
The 3rd Indonesian Geo-Information Technology Exhibition will show all the
latest surveying and mapping technology and information and communication
technology as well along with business discussions, leading technology
presentations that will support you providing geo-services to geo-spatial
information user community.
Should you or your company wish to learn more about this event, please
consult the venue's website at : www.geospatial-exh.com.
Or, should you wish to seriously consider in exhibiting at the venue, you
can just drop me an email and I will be very happy to furnish and provide
you with any information that you may require! When corresponding with us,
please quote the above reference number!
Thank you for your immediate attention and consideration. I will look
forward to your participation at the "The 3rd Indonesian Geo-Information
Technology Exhibition" in Jakarta this coming August 2008!
With kind regards,
On behalf of the Event Organiser and Host,
Media Solutions International
Jalan Danau Belida C2 No. 86,Jakarta 10210-Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 70029005 Cell. +62 816 884962; +62 817 803925
Email.: msi.indo@gmail.com
URL. www.geospatial-exh.com