[Marketing] Meeting this week?

Anyone have much they would like to discuss at the meeting this week? If not, I will postpone until next month. If there are items people are ready to cover, then I encourage someone else to chair the meeting.

I'm going to be out of town most of the day of the meeting and have a long drive right beforehand, so I'll be dog tired and unproductive.

If I don't hear back from anyone, then we'll postpone.

Hi everyone, this is a very late note, my apologies. Our calendar says we have another meeting in about two hours from now for our regular July meeting - but I'm not going to be able to make it. I would like to postpone until next week, also likely on a different day and possibly different time. Some of us are also on the OSGeo Board meetings and they are being shifted around too, so I'll set up Marketing meetings to not conflict or overburden us be having them too close together.

That said, if anyone wants to meet and discuss at todays meeting as scheduled, you are more than welcome to, just keep some notes or questions for us all to consider.

More to come...

Best wishes,

On 1-Jun-09, at 4:56 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

Anyone have much they would like to discuss at the meeting this week? If not, I will postpone until next month. If there are items people are ready to cover, then I encourage someone else to chair the meeting.

I'm going to be out of town most of the day of the meeting and have a long drive right beforehand, so I'll be dog tired and unproductive.

If I don't hear back from anyone, then we'll postpone.
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