[Marketing] Meeting today

Hi all, it's been a somewhat quiet spring and kick off to summer for some of us, but I know many of us have been very busy. I won't be able to attend a meeting today as I'm preparing to head out of town. But you are still welcome to meet in IRC at our usual time. Things should calm down for me in a couple weeks and July meeting should be a good one to aim for. As always, just email or skype me to chat about anything anytime (skype: spatialguru).

A few marketing points from past couple months
* 3 more local chapters have pop-up banners they used at recent events
* sent a few thousand more brochures/cards and foss4g ads/posters to 4-5 events
* we ran at least 3 booths in Mar-Apr
* sent near to 1,000 Live DVDs to various events globally, more to come.

These are draft numbers off the top of my head, will get some more solid ones shortly :slight_smile:

Hope that helps!

When sending off LiveDVDs, can you please ensure that someone updates http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_History

Keeping track of where OSGeoLive is being used, provides justification for projects to continue to contribute to OSGeoLive.

On 15/06/11 02:16, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Hi all, it's been a somewhat quiet spring and kick off to summer for some of us, but I know many of us have been very busy. I won't be able to attend a meeting today as I'm preparing to head out of town. But you are still welcome to meet in IRC at our usual time. Things should calm down for me in a couple weeks and July meeting should be a good one to aim for. As always, just email or skype me to chat about anything anytime (skype: spatialguru).

A few marketing points from past couple months
* 3 more local chapters have pop-up banners they used at recent events
* sent a few thousand more brochures/cards and foss4g ads/posters to 4-5 events
* we ran at least 3 booths in Mar-Apr
* sent near to 1,000 Live DVDs to various events globally, more to come.

These are draft numbers off the top of my head, will get some more solid ones shortly :slight_smile:

Hope that helps!_______________________________________________
Marketing mailing list

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source